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- W H Auden began
- writing poems at
- the age of 15, but
- it was at Oxford
- that he gained his
- brilliant repu-
- tation. His clique
- dominated British
- writing for a
- decade. Others
- imitated his
- difficult syntax
- and unusual subject
- matter, which
- was often based
- on fantasies
- about totali-
- tarianism and
- industrial society.
- #
- Auden's difficult
- poetry irked
- many critics.
- He was a com-
- munist sympa-
- thizer who did
- not feel obliged
- to write for the
- masses. And
- though a very
- English poet, he
- had no senti-
- mental attachment
- to England. When
- war loomed he
- left for the US
- with his lover,
- the writer
- Christopher
- Isherwood
- #
- W H Auden's
- meditation on
- Brueghel's Fall of
- Icarus is one of
- his best known
- short poems.
- Within a decep-
- tively subtle
- rhyme scheme, he
- wonders whether
- the spectacular
- events of history
- really make a
- difference. Such
- thoughts imply
- disillusion with
- political action in
- general, and with
- his youthful
- communism in
- particular
- #
- Auden first encountered Eliot's poetry at school, and the elder poet
- became his first publisher. But on Auden's first attempt at
- publication in 1928, Eliot advised him to wait a couple of years. The
- result was his Poems, 1930
- #
- It seems that
- poems came to
- Auden like bouts
- of illness which
- he could not
- shake off until
- the work was
- finished. Like
- many great poets,
- he felt his
- inspiration as
- something
- external - not
- exactly anything
- to do with him,
- just something
- that used to
- happen to him
- #
- Auden was a fine
- critic as well as a
- poet. His critical
- work had flashes
- of insight which
- are not far
- removed from
- poetry. This
- aspect of his
- genius was
- recognized by
- academia when,
- in 1956, he was
- elected professor
- of poetry at
- Oxford University
- #
- Auden settled in
- New York with
- Chester Kallman,
- who was his lover
- for the rest of his
- life. Their house
- became a meeting
- place for European
- and American
- writers and
- artists. Drugs and
- drink took their
- toll on Auden's
- appearance, though
- he continued
- to write until
- his death
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