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- Solzhenitsyn was
- the defiant
- symbol of
- freedom during
- the oppressive
- years of Soviet
- communism. He
- survived the
- camps, and he
- survived cancer
- almost by an
- effort of will. He
- was determined
- to chronicle the
- history of the
- vast network of
- labor camps he
- called 'the gulag
- archipelago'
- #
- The Soviet public
- was stunned
- when One Day in
- the Life of Ivan
- Denisovich was
- published.
- Permission to
- publish came
- from Khrushchev
- himself, and it
- was part of his
- campaign to
- discredit his
- predecessor
- Joseph Stalin.
- Solzhenitsyn
- became a star
- overnight
- #
- Cancer Ward,
- Solzhenitsyn's
- second novel,
- portrays the
- harsh life-or-
- death conditions
- of the cancer
- wing of a hospital
- in Soviet Central
- Asia. Cancer
- becomes a
- metaphor for the
- condition of the
- Soviet state as
- much as the
- clinical situation.
- The novel was
- not published in
- the USSR
- #
- The Gulag
- Archipelago
- describes the
- structure and
- operation of the
- Soviet labor camp
- system or the
- "gulag". (The
- camps are dotted
- like islands across
- the map of the
- country: hence
- the title.) It was a
- masterpiece of
- clandestine
- research, drawing
- on interviews
- with hundreds of
- survivors
- #
- The men and women
- who inhabited the
- islands of the
- gulag archipelago
- were a nation
- of slave laborers.
- It was they who
- built many of
- the great engin-
- eering feats of
- the Soviet state:
- the canals, the
- dams, the subways
- and the industrial
- cities. Millions
- of innocent people
- died anonymous
- deaths - exactly
- how many, still
- nobody knows
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- Following the
- award to him of
- the Nobel prize,
- pro-Soviet
- Russian writers
- portrayed
- Solzhenitsyn as
- "more dangerous
- than Pasternak".
- But Solzhenitsyn
- was by nature
- more combative
- than the author of
- Doctor Zhivago. He
- used the publicity
- he received in the
- west as a kind
- of shield against
- the attacks of
- the KGB
- #
- Solzhenitsyn was
- unceremoniously
- expelled from the
- Soviet Union in
- 1974 after he
- accepted the
- Nobel Prize. He
- arrived distraught
- in West Germany,
- where he was
- met by Heinrich
- Boll, the German
- author, who was
- his friend and
- loyal supporter
- #
- In 1976
- Solzhenitsyn
- settled in
- Vermont in the
- United States,
- where he lived
- frugally for
- over 20 years,
- continuing his
- research and
- writing an epic
- history of the
- Russian Revolution
- #
- Solzhenitsyn
- vowed never to
- forget his time
- in prison. Even
- during his long
- exile in the US,
- on one day
- in every year
- he would eat only
- prison rations, to
- remind himself of
- how he had lived
- in the gulag for
- eight long years
- #
- Solzhenitsyn was
- invited, almost
- begged, to come
- home in the years
- of glasnost. He
- held out until the
- country that
- condemned him
- had ceased to
- exist. This was
- perhaps a mis-
- take: in 1989 he
- would have been
- greeted as a hero
- and a prophet. But
- by 1994, Russia
- had changed too
- much, and he was
- met with little
- more than idle
- curiosity
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