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- Patrick Steptoe's
- work is one of
- the marvels of
- modern medicine.
- To have given
- to childless
- men and women
- the hope of
- parenthood is a
- fine achievement
- by any measure.
- But in vitro
- fertilization is
- an ethical mine-
- field, and some
- have accused
- Steptoe of
- playing God
- #
- Steptoe was a
- specialist in
- laparoscopy,
- which is a way
- of investigating
- the ovaries and
- abdominal cavity.
- Steptoe built up
- a centre for
- laparoscopic
- training in
- Oldham, England,
- where he began
- to investigate
- problems of
- infertility
- #
- In 1969 Steptoe
- announced
- sensational news
- for childless
- couples: it would
- soon be possible
- to remove a
- woman's egg
- from her ovary,
- fertilise it in a
- test-tube with
- her partner's
- sperm, then
- return it to the
- uterus to grow
- into a baby
- #
- While early
- trials showed
- the technical
- feasibility of
- Steptoe's idea,
- some doctors
- raised doubts
- about the ethics
- of "test tube
- babies". They
- feared that
- science was on
- the verge of
- mass-producing
- human beings in
- laboratories
- #
- The work of
- Steptoe and
- Edwards did have
- enormous moral
- implications. It
- raised the spectre
- of "designer
- babies", where
- future parents
- take their pick
- from among
- fertilised ova,
- discarding those
- that were not of
- the preferred
- gender, or
- screening out
- those with
- "abnormalities"
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- The ethical
- problems of
- Patrick Steptoe's
- pioneering work
- had still to be
- resolved when
- events overtook
- the debate - in
- July 1978, Louise
- Brown became
- the world's first
- test tube baby
- #
- The expression
- 'test-tube baby'
- was always
- misleading. There
- was never any
- question of
- producing children
- from laboratory
- glassware, and
- it sometimes
- seemed that
- much of the unease
- about Patrick
- Steptoe's work
- was just distaste
- at the label given
- to it by the
- mass media
- #
- Edwards and
- Steptoe accepted
- the concern of
- those who were
- worried about the
- implications of
- their work, but
- their primary
- concern remained
- for would-be
- mothers who
- needed help to
- conceive. In
- 1984 they
- mounted a
- spirited defence
- of their treatment,
- which had by
- then led to the
- birth of over
- 300 babies
- #
- Few can say that
- their work has
- given hope to
- thousands around
- the world. Even
- when terminally
- ill, Steptoe kept
- working. He died
- shortly before
- he was to be
- presented with a
- a state award,
- the CBE (Com-
- mander of the
- British Empire)
- #
- The most powerful
- testament to the
- achievements of
- Edwards and
- Steptoe remains
- the children they
- helped to bring
- into the world.
- In 1989, a party
- was held for
- the "test tube
- babies". Guests
- included Louise
- Brown, then aged
- 10, and the
- youngest member
- of the 'club',
- Andrew Macheta,
- five months
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