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- Soon after leaving
- Kansas for
- Hollywood in
- 1923 Disney
- married an
- actress Lillian
- Bounds. The
- couple struggled
- until the success
- of Steamboat
- Willie in 1928.
- This cartoon
- featured a certain
- Mortimer Mouse,
- later to become
- the hugely
- popular Mickey
- #
- Introducing
- sound and colour
- into cartoons
- allowed Disney to
- establish the
- trademark
- formula of music,
- animals and
- comic capers that
- sustained him
- over the next
- four decades. He
- produced his first
- animated feature
- length cartoon,
- Snow White,
- in 1937
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- Disney himself
- did not consider
- the hand-painted
- sheets of acetate
- which made up
- the feature
- cartoons art. Most
- were destroyed or
- recycled; a few
- were taken home
- as keepsakes by
- Disney employees.
- But now original
- "cels" from the
- classic films
- are priceless
- collectors' items
- #
- The coveted Best
- Picture category
- of the Academy
- Awards excluded
- cartoons, but
- Disney won
- Honorary Oscars
- for Snow White
- and Fantasia.
- Mary Poppins,
- which combined
- live actors and
- animation did
- receive the 1964
- nomination for
- Best Picture
- #
- Disney's sanitised
- but slick re-
- workings of fairy
- tales and classics
- of children's
- literature riled
- purists, especially
- in Britain. But
- broad appeal was
- the secret of
- Disney's success.
- Children loved
- the flights of
- fantasy whilst
- parents were
- reassured by the
- suitability of the
- familiar subject
- matter
- #
- It was not until
- 1955 that Disney
- took the risk of
- introducing an
- original storyline
- into one of his
- cartoon features.
- In Lady and the
- Tramp, the
- mix of talking
- animals and an
- unchallenging but
- entertaining plot
- filled cinemas the
- world over
- #
- Like all great
- 'children's artists',
- Disney's work has
- at least as much
- to say to adults as
- it does to young
- people. Taken
- together, his
- works add up to a
- modern American
- mythology. They
- are the universal
- morality tales of
- the twentieth
- century
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- One of the most widely recognised brand logos on the planet, Mickey
- Mouse is inseparable from his creator. Disney astutely exploited the
- popularity of his creations and the respect he was afforded as their
- inventor. By the Sixties, Disney's face was as famous as Mickey's
- #
- In 1955
- Disneyland
- opened in
- California. It was
- the first theme
- park of it's kind,
- containing within
- the walls of the
- Magic Kingdom
- the entire Disney
- menagerie. The
- austerity of
- Fifties America
- proved the ideal
- atmosphere for
- the escapism of
- Disneyland
- #
- Disney's
- achievement was
- to create a near
- perfect symbiosis
- of films and
- merchandising.
- There are Disney
- shops in cities all
- over the world,
- selling everything
- from original
- Disney artwork to
- Lion King
- lunchboxes
- #
- Disney understood the value of music. He followed the hit songs of
- Snow White with an entirely classical score for Fantasia. Hits like
- the jaunty Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious and the hauntingly
- lyrical Chim-Chiminey in Mary Poppins have become classics
- #
- The worldwide
- Disney Organi-
- sation has
- continued to
- expand. In 1987
- plans were
- announced for
- Euro Disneyland,
- near Paris, which
- opened despite
- strong opposition
- within France to
- its corporate
- American image.
- In 1994 its name
- was changed to
- Disneyland Paris
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