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- Lorenz has thrown
- scientific fore-
- casting into chaos.
- His theories strike
- at the heart of the
- scientific method,
- saying that even
- in simple matters
- there are things
- we cannot ever
- know or predict
- through careful
- observation
- #
- #
- Lorenz realised
- the Chaos he had
- uncovered in
- weather forecasts
- existed wherever
- experts tried to
- read the future:
- brokers playing
- stock markets;
- police exercising
- crowd control;
- relief workers
- treating raging
- epidemics; race-
- goers playing
- the horses
- #
- British proponents
- of Lorenz's theory
- had a major boost
- in 1987. The BBC
- assured viewers
- that there was
- no hurricane
- heading for Britain.
- Hours later, a
- hurricane blasted
- through southern
- England, killing
- several people and
- causing millions of
- pounds worth of
- damage
- #
- Scientists are
- no nearer solving
- the mysteries of
- long-range fore-
- casting, despite
- spending untold
- millions of dollars
- on sophisticated
- equipment. It
- seems Lorenz was
- right - the only
- thing we can know
- for sure about
- the future is we
- do not know what
- will happen
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