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Text File | 1995-11-10 | 13.0 KB | 428 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- unit GammaFade;
- {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- { File "gamma.p" - Source for Altering the Gamma Tables of GDevices from Gamma.c }
- { Last updated 6/29/95, MJS }
- {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- { 7-13-95 ported to pascal by Matthew Xavier Mora mxmora@mxmdesigns.com }
- { 7-18-95 fixed all the porting bugs and got it to work in think pascal }
- {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { 7-18-95 ported to CW (68k and PPC) by Bill Catambay (pretty easy), cleaned the code a bit (no more labels), }
- { brought back Matthew's delay fade routines (in main program). }
- {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { august -95: Change by Ingemar R: Moved the FadeToBlack and FadeFromBlack calls to}
- { this unit and modified them to be timed by TickCount and aborted by mouse clicks.}
- { DoGammaFade now auto-initializes - no call to SetupGammaTools is needed.}
- { You can use FadeToBlack and FadeFromBlack only. They both check for gamma tables}
- { to be available, so you don't have to call IsGammaAvailable yourself.}
- { These changes were made when making a SAT add-on unit of it.}
- {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { This is the Source Code for the Gamma Utils Library file. Use this to build }
- { new functionality into the library or make an A4-based library. }
- { See the header file "gamma.h" for much more information. -- MJS }
- {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- interface
- uses
- ToolUtils, Devices,
- {$ENDC}
- Traps, Video;
- { Function Prototypes}
- function IsGammaAvailable: Boolean;
- function IsOneGammaAvailable (theGDevice: GDHandle): Boolean;
- { These routines help you determine whether you can use the Gamma Table Utils}
- { on the current machine. The first checks all attached monitors, and the }
- { second just checks the indicated monitor. Each returns TRUE if you can }
- { use the functions, or FALSE if you can't. • Note: Before calling any other}
- { Gamma Table function below, use this function to see if you are allowed.}
- { * ****************************************************************************** *}
- function SetupGammaTools: OSErr;
- function DisposeGammaTools: OSErr;
- { These routines must bracket any calls to the Gamma Table functions, perhaps}
- { at the head and tail of your main(). The first sets up the data structures}
- { necessary to save and restore the state of your monitors. The second}
- { disposes of all the internal data structures, but does not reset the}
- { monitors to their original states. Both return the error code if some}
- { part failed. }
- { * ****************************************************************************** *}
- function DoGammaFade (percent: Integer): OSErr;
- function DoOneGammaFade (theGDevice: GDHandle; percent: Integer): OSErr;
- { Use the first function to Fade each of your monitors to some percentage of their}
- { initial brightness (100 = bright, 0 = dim). Repeatedly call this to ramp your}
- { monitors up or down. The second function performs the same function, but only}
- { for the specified monitor. Both return any applicable error codes.}
- { Be sure to set up the necessary save-state data structures before you start by}
- { calling the compatibility and initialization functions. }
- { * ****************************************************************************** *}
- {function GetDevGammaTable (theGDevice: GDHandle; var theTable: GammaTblPtr): OSErr;}
- {function SetDevGammaTable (theGDevice: GDHandle; var theTable: GammaTblPtr): OSErr;}
- { These routines are low-level interfaces to the device drivers for the monitors.}
- { Use them at your own risk.}
- {Quick fixed-time calls:}
- procedure FadeToBlack (ticks: Longint);
- procedure FadeFromBlack (ticks: Longint);
- implementation
- const
- kGammaUtilsSig = 'GAMA';
- kGetDeviceListTrapNum = $AA29;
- type
- GlobalGammasPtr = ^GlobalGammas;
- GlobalGammasHdl = ^GlobalGammasPtr;
- GlobalGammas = record
- size, dataOffset: Integer;
- saved, hacked: GammaTblHandle;
- theGDevice: GDHandle;
- next: GlobalGammasHdl;
- end;
- GammaData = packed array[0..100000] of Byte; {used to set the gamma}
- GammaDataPtr = ^GammaData;
- var
- gammaUtilsInstalled: OSType;
- gammaTables: GlobalGammasHdl;
- function GetDevGammaTable (theGDevice: GDHandle; var theTable: GammaTblPtr): OSErr;
- forward;
- function SetDevGammaTable (theGDevice: GDHandle; var theTable: GammaTblPtr): OSErr;
- forward;
- {Fixed-time fading routines that can be aborted with a mouse click.}
- procedure FadeToBlack (ticks: Longint);
- var
- i: integer;
- oe: OSErr;
- startTicks: Longint;
- begin
- if not IsGammaAvailable then
- Exit(FadeToBlack);
- startTicks := TickCount;
- while TickCount < startTicks + ticks do
- begin
- i := 100 * (startTicks + ticks - TickCount) div ticks;
- oe := DoGammaFade(i);
- if Button then
- begin
- oe := DoGammaFade(0);
- Exit(FadeToBlack);
- end;
- end;
- oe := DoGammaFade(0);
- end; {FadeToBlack}
- procedure FadeFromBlack (ticks: Longint);
- var
- i: integer;
- oe: OSErr;
- startTicks: Longint;
- begin
- if not IsGammaAvailable then
- Exit(FadeFromBlack);
- startTicks := TickCount;
- while TickCount < startTicks + ticks do
- begin
- i := 100 - 100 * (startTicks + ticks - TickCount) div ticks;
- oe := DoGammaFade(i);
- if Button then
- begin
- oe := DoGammaFade(100);
- Exit(FadeFromBlack);
- end;
- end;
- oe := DoGammaFade(100);
- end; {FadeFromBlack}
- function IsGammaAvailable: Boolean;
- var
- theGDevice: GDHandle;
- begin
- IsGammaAvailable := false;
- if (NGetTrapAddress(kGetDeviceListTrapNum, ToolTrap) = NGetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented, ToolTrap)) then
- exit(IsGammaAvailable);
- theGDevice := GetDeviceList;
- while (theGDevice <> nil) do
- begin
- if (TestDeviceAttribute(theGDevice, screenDevice) and TestDeviceAttribute(theGDevice, noDriver)) then
- exit(IsGammaAvailable);
- if (theGDevice^^.gdType = fixedType) then
- exit(IsGammaAvailable);
- theGDevice := GetNextDevice(theGDevice);
- end;
- IsGammaAvailable := true; {If we made it this far then its true}
- end;
- function IsOneGammaAvailable (theGDevice: GDHandle): Boolean;
- begin
- IsOneGammaAvailable := false;
- if (NGetTrapAddress(kGetDeviceListTrapNum, ToolTrap) = NGetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented, ToolTrap)) then
- exit(IsOneGammaAvailable);
- if (TestDeviceAttribute(theGDevice, screenDevice) and TestDeviceAttribute(theGDevice, noDriver)) then
- exit(IsOneGammaAvailable);
- if (theGDevice^^.gdType = fixedType) then
- exit(IsOneGammaAvailable);
- IsOneGammaAvailable := true;
- end;
- function SetupGammaTools: OSErr;
- var
- errorCold: OSErr;
- tempHdl: GlobalGammasHdl;
- masterGTable: GammaTblPtr;
- theGDevice: GDHandle;
- begin
- if (gammaUtilsInstalled = kGammaUtilsSig) then
- begin
- SetupGammaTools := -1;
- exit(SetupGammaTools);
- end;
- gammaTables := nil;
- gammaUtilsInstalled := kGammaUtilsSig;
- theGDevice := GetDeviceList;
- while (theGDevice <> nil) do
- begin
- errorCold := GetDevGammaTable(theGDevice, masterGTable);
- if (errorCold <> 0) then
- begin
- SetupGammaTools := errorCold;
- exit(SetupGammaTools);
- end;
- tempHdl := globalGammasHdl(NewHandle(sizeof(globalGammas)));
- if (tempHdl = nil) then
- begin
- SetupGammaTools := MemError;
- exit(SetupGammaTools);
- end;
- with masterGTable^ do
- begin
- tempHdl^^.size := sizeof(GammaTbl) + gFormulaSize + (gChanCnt * gDataCnt * gDataWidth div 8);
- tempHdl^^.dataOffset := gFormulaSize;
- tempHdl^^.theGDevice := theGDevice;
- end;
- tempHdl^^.saved := GammaTblHandle(NewHandle(tempHdl^^.size));
- if (tempHdl^^.saved = nil) then
- begin
- SetupGammaTools := MemError;
- exit(SetupGammaTools);
- end;
- tempHdl^^.hacked := GammaTblHandle(NewHandle(tempHdl^^.size));
- if (tempHdl^^.hacked = nil) then
- begin
- SetupGammaTools := MemError;
- exit(SetupGammaTools);
- end;
- BlockMove(Ptr(masterGTable), Ptr(tempHdl^^.saved^), tempHdl^^.size);
- tempHdl^^.next := gammaTables;
- gammaTables := tempHdl;
- theGDevice := GetNextDevice(theGDevice)
- end;
- SetupGammaTools := 0;
- end;
- function DoGammaFade (percent: Integer): OSErr;
- var
- errorCold: OSErr;
- thesize, i, theNum: LongInt;
- tempHdl: GlobalGammasHdl;
- dataPtr: Ptr;
- tempGammaTbl: GammaTblPtr;
- gdp: GammaDataPtr;
- tempLong: Longint;
- begin
- if gammaUtilsInstalled <> kGammaUtilsSig then
- errorCold := SetupGammaTools;
- if gammaUtilsInstalled <> kGammaUtilsSig then
- begin
- DoGammaFade := -1;
- exit(DoGammaFade);
- end;
- tempHdl := gammaTables;
- while (tempHdl <> nil) do
- begin
- with tempHdl^^ do
- begin
- BlockMove(Ptr(saved^), Ptr(hacked^), size);
- tempLong := ord(@hacked^^.gFormulaData) + dataOffset;
- gdp := gammaDataPtr(ord(@hacked^^.gFormulaData) + dataOffset);
- thesize := hacked^^.gChanCnt * hacked^^.gDataCnt;
- end;
- for i := 0 to thesize - 1 do
- begin
- theNum := gdp^[i];
- theNum := (theNum * percent) div 100;
- gdp^[i] := theNum;
- end;
- errorCold := SetDevGammaTable(tempHdl^^.theGDevice, tempHdl^^.hacked^);
- if (errorCold <> 0) then
- begin
- DoGammaFade := errorCold;
- exit(DoGammaFade);
- end;
- tempHdl := tempHdl^^.next;
- end;
- DoGammaFade := 0;
- end;
- function DoOneGammaFade (theGDevice: GDHandle; percent: Integer): OSErr;
- var
- errorCold: OSErr;
- thesize, i, theNum: LongInt;
- tempHdl: GlobalGammasHdl;
- gdp: GammaDataPtr;
- begin
- if gammaUtilsInstalled <> kGammaUtilsSig then
- errorCold := SetupGammaTools;
- if gammaUtilsInstalled <> kGammaUtilsSig then
- begin
- DoOneGammaFade := -1;
- Exit(DoOneGammaFade);
- end;
- tempHdl := gammaTables;
- while ((tempHdl <> nil) and (theGDevice <> tempHdl^^.theGDevice)) do
- tempHdl := tempHdl^^.next;
- with tempHdl^^ do
- begin
- BlockMove(Ptr(saved^), Ptr(hacked^), size);
- gdp := gammaDataPtr(ord(@hacked^^.gFormulaData) + dataOffset);
- thesize := hacked^^.gChanCnt * hacked^^.gDataCnt;
- end;
- for i := 0 to thesize - 1 do
- begin
- theNum := gdp^[i];
- theNum := (theNum * percent) div 100;
- gdp^[i] := theNum;
- end;
- errorCold := SetDevGammaTable(tempHdl^^.theGDevice, tempHdl^^.hacked^);
- DoOneGammaFade := errorCold;
- end;
- function DisposeGammaTools: OSErr;
- var
- tempHdl, nextHdl: GlobalGammasHdl;
- begin
- if gammaUtilsInstalled <> kGammaUtilsSig then
- begin
- DisposeGammaTools := -1;
- Exit(DisposeGammaTools);
- end;
- tempHdl := gammaTables;
- while (tempHdl <> nil) do
- begin
- HLock(Handle(tempHdl));
- with tempHdl^^ do
- begin
- nextHdl := next;
- DisposeHandle(Handle(saved));
- DisposeHandle(Handle(hacked));
- HUnLock(Handle(tempHdl));
- DisposeHandle(Handle(tempHdl));
- tempHdl := nextHdl;
- end;
- end;
- gammaUtilsInstalled := ' ';
- DisposeGammaTools := 0;
- end;
- function GetDevGammaTable (theGDevice: GDHandle; var theTable: GammaTblPtr): OSErr;
- var
- errorCold: OSErr;
- myCPB: ParmBlkPtr;
- begin
- theTable := nil;
- if not IsOneGammaAvailable(theGDevice) then
- begin
- GetDevGammaTable := -1;
- exit(GetDevGammaTable);
- end;
- myCPB := ParmBlkPtr(NewPtrClear(sizeof(ParamBlockRec)));
- if (myCPB = nil) then
- begin
- GetDevGammaTable := MemError;
- exit(GetDevGammaTable);
- end;
- myCPB^.csCode := cscGetGamma;
- myCPB^.ioCRefNum := theGDevice^^.gdRefNum;
- myCPB^.csParam[0] := HiWord(longint(@theTable));
- myCPB^.csParam[1] := LoWord(longint(@theTable));
- errorCold := PBStatusSync(myCPB);
- {$ELSEC}
- errorCold := PBStatus(myCPB, false);
- {$ENDC}
- DisposePtr(Ptr(myCPB));
- GetDevGammaTable := errorCold;
- end;
- function SetDevGammaTable (theGDevice: GDHandle; var theTable: GammaTblPtr): OSErr;
- var
- myCPB: ParmBlkPtr;
- errorCold: OSErr;
- cTab: CTabHandle;
- saveGDevice: GDHandle;
- begin
- if not IsOneGammaAvailable(theGDevice) then
- begin
- SetDevGammaTable := -1;
- exit(SetDevGammaTable);
- end;
- myCPB := ParmBlkPtr(NewPtrClear(sizeof(ParamBlockRec)));
- if (myCPB = nil) then
- begin
- SetDevGammaTable := MemError;
- exit(SetDevGammaTable);
- end;
- myCPB^.csCode := cscSetGamma;
- myCPB^.ioCRefNum := theGDevice^^.gdRefNum;
- myCPB^.csParam[0] := HiWord(longint(@theTable));
- myCPB^.csParam[1] := LoWord(longint(@theTable));
- errorCold := PBControlSync(myCPB);
- {$ELSEC}
- errorCold := PBControl(myCPB, false);
- {$ENDC}
- if (errorCold = 0) then
- begin
- saveGDevice := GetGDevice;
- SetGDevice(theGDevice);
- cTab := theGDevice^^.gdPMap^^.pmTable;
- SetEntries(0, cTab^^.ctSize, cTab^^.ctTable);
- SetGDevice(saveGDevice);
- end;
- DisposePtr(Ptr(myCPB));
- SetDevGammaTable := errorCold;
- end;
- end.