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Text File | 1996-05-11 | 4.0 KB | 178 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- {A VBL synching unit for SAT or general use alike.}
- {Based on SlotVInstall.p from DTS, but significantly enhanced; works without Color QD}
- {and is a reusable unit.}
- {}
- {By Ingemar Ragnemalm 1996.}
- {}
- {Noteable features:}
- {Works with both 68k and PPC, and both Think and CodeWarrior.}
- {Uses SLotVBL if available, but falls back to old-style VBL on old Macs.}
- {Both the unit and the routines might be renamed in future versions.}
- unit MySlotVBL;
- interface
- uses
- Types, Devices, QuickDraw, OSUtils,
- {$ELSEC}
- {$ENDC}
- Retrace;
- function InstallVBL (myGDevHand: GDHandle): OSErr;
- procedure RemoveVBL;
- function GetVBLValue: Longint;
- procedure SetVBLValue (value: Longint);
- {To synch SAT by VBL, install SATSynch as synch procedure.}
- {CAUTION: InstallVBL must have succeeded, or SATSynch will wait forever!}
- {Also, don't forget a RemoveVBL when you quit!}
- function SATSynch: Boolean;
- implementation
- const
- kVBLCount = 1;
- type
- EnhVBLTask = record
- theVBLTask: VBLTask;
- theGlobal: ^LongInt;
- end;
- EnhVBLTaskPtr = ^EnhVBLTask;
- var
- myVBLTask: EnhVBLTask;
- gLong: Longint;
- installed, installedColor: Boolean;
- function GetVBLValue: Longint;
- begin
- GetVBLValue := gLong; {myVBLTask.theGlobal;}
- end; {GetVBLValue}
- procedure SetVBLValue (value: Longint);
- begin
- {myVBLTask.theGlobal := }
- gLong := value;
- end; {SetVBLValue}
- {$PUSH}
- {$D-}
- procedure MyVBLProc (theEnhVBLTaskRecPtr: EnhVBLTaskPtr);
- begin
- theEnhVBLTaskRecPtr^.theGlobal^ := theEnhVBLTaskRecPtr^.theGlobal^ + 1;
- { reset VBL }
- theEnhVBLTaskRecPtr^.theVBLTask.vblCount := kVBLCount;
- end; {MyVBLProc, PPC}
- {$ELSEC}
- function GetVBLRec: EnhVBLTaskPtr;
- inline
- $2E88; { put A0 on stack }
- procedure MyVBLProc;
- var
- theEnhVBLTaskRecPtr: EnhVBLTaskPtr;
- begin
- theEnhVBLTaskRecPtr := GetVBLRec;
- theEnhVBLTaskRecPtr^.theGlobal^ := theEnhVBLTaskRecPtr^.theGlobal^ + 1;
- { reset VBL }
- theEnhVBLTaskRecPtr^.theVBLTask.vblCount := kVBLCount;
- end; {MyVBLProc, 68k}
- {$ENDC}
- {$POP}
- var
- myDCEHand: AuxDCEHandle; {Kept for SlotVRemove!}
- function HasColor: Boolean;
- var
- theWorld: SysEnvRec;
- begin
- HasColor := false;
- if SysEnvirons(1, theWorld) = noErr then
- HasColor := theWorld.hasColorQD;
- end; {HasColor}
- function InstallVBL (myGDevHand: GDHandle): OSErr;
- var
- mainGDRefNum: INTEGER;
- vblGlobalLongInt, tempLongInt: LONGINT;
- retCode: OSErr;
- begin
- if installed then
- begin
- InstallVBL := -1; {Already installed}
- Exit(InstallVBL);
- end;
- {If no device is provided, use the main device as default!}
- if myGDevHand = nil then
- if HasColor then
- myGDevHand := GetMainDevice;
- if HasColor and (myGDevHand <> nil) then
- begin
- mainGDRefNum := myGDevHand^^.gdRefNum;
- myDCEHand := AuxDCEHandle(GetDctlEntry(mainGDRefNum));
- installedColor := true;
- end
- else
- installedColor := false;
- { set up VBL task }
- myVBLTask.theVBLTask.qType := ORD(vType);
- myVBLTask.theVBLTask.vblAddr := NewVBLProc(@MyVBLProc);
- {$ELSEC}
- myVBLTask.theVBLTask.vblAddr := @MyVBLProc;
- {$ENDC}
- myVBLTask.theVBLTask.vblCount := kVBLCount;
- myVBLTask.theVBLTask.vblPhase := 0;
- myVBLTask.theGlobal := @gLong;
- vblGlobalLongInt := 0;
- tempLongInt := 0;
- if installedColor then
- retCode := SlotVInstall(@myVBLTask, myDCEHand^^.dCtlSlot)
- else
- retCode := VInstall(@myVBLTask);
- InstallVBL := retCode;
- installed := retCode = noErr;
- end; {InstallVBL}
- procedure RemoveVBL;
- var
- retCode: OSErr;
- begin
- if installed then
- if installedColor then
- retCode := SlotVRemove(@myVBLTask, myDCEHand^^.dCtlSlot)
- else
- retCode := VRemove(@myVBLTask);
- {I don't return the error code. I mean, what can be done about it?}
- installed := false;
- end; { ELSE }
- {A standard synch proc for SAT:}
- function SATSynch: Boolean;
- begin
- gLong := 0; {or SetVBLValue(0);}
- while gLong = 0 do {or GetVBLValue = 0}
- ;
- SATSynch := false; {Always return false!}
- end; {SATSynch}
- end.