home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1995-11-10 | 13.4 KB | 506 lines | [TEXT/MWPS] |
- { Plotting sets of pixels fast. }
- { All reasonable screen depths supported: 1, 4, 8, 16 and 32 bits. }
- unit Pixels;
- interface
- uses
- Types, QuickDraw, Windows, Dialogs, Fonts, Memory, {}
- SegLoad, Scrap, ToolUtils, {}
- {$ELSEC}
- {$endc}
- SAT;
- type
- Pixel = record
- position: Point;
- data1, data2, data3, data4: SignedByte;
- end;
- Pixels = array[0..32000] of Pixel;
- PixelPtr = ^Pixels;
- procedure SATDrawPixels (pix: PixelPtr; var port: SATPort; value: Longint);
- procedure SATCopyPixels (pix: PixelPtr; var src, dest: SATPort);
- procedure SATDrawPixelsSafe (pix: PixelPtr; var port: SATPort; value: Longint);
- procedure SATCopyPixelsSafe (pix: PixelPtr; var src, dest: SATPort);
- implementation
- type
- LongPtr = ^Longint;
- IntPtr = ^Integer;
- var
- gBitTablesInitialized: Boolean;
- bits, bitValues, masks: array[0..7] of Byte;
- type
- SATRowListType = array[0..480] of Ptr; {skall vara 0..0}
- SATRowListPtr = ^SATRowListType;
- procedure InitializeBitTables;
- var
- bit, i: integer;
- begin
- bit := 128;
- for i := 0 to 7 do
- begin
- bits[i] := bit;
- {bitValues[i] := BitAnd(bit, value);}
- {$PUSH}
- {$R-}
- masks[i] := BitNot(bit);
- bit := BSR(bit, 1);
- {$POP}
- end;
- gBitTablesInitialized := true;
- end; {InitializeBitTables}
- procedure SATDrawPixels (pix: PixelPtr; var port: SATPort; value: Longint);
- var
- mmuMode: SignedByte;
- depth, i, count: Integer;
- byteVal: SignedByte;
- intVal: Integer;
- lp: LongPtr;
- ip: IntPtr;
- bp: Ptr;
- byteValEven, byteValOdd: SignedByte;
- phase: Integer;
- begin
- if pix = nil then
- Exit(SATDrawPixels);
- count := GetPtrSize(Ptr(pix)) div SizeOf(Pixel);
- if gSAT.colorFlag then
- depth := port.device^^.gdPMap^^.pixelSize
- else
- depth := 0;
- {if 24-bit, swap to 32-bit}
- if gSAT.mmuMode <> true32b then
- begin
- mmuMode := true32b;
- pix := PixelPtr(StripAddress(Ptr(pix)));
- SwapMMUMode(mmuMode);
- end;
- {$ENDC}
- case depth of
- 0, 1:
- begin
- if not gBitTablesInitialized then
- InitializeBitTables;
- for i := 0 to 7 do
- begin
- bitValues[i] := BitAnd(bits[i], value);
- end;
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- bp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 3) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(port.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- phase := BitAnd(pix^[i].position.h, 3);
- {$PUSH}
- {$R-}
- bp^ := BitOr(BitAnd(bp^, masks[phase]), bitValues[phase])
- {$POP}
- end;
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- {Pointless screen depth - ignored!}
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- {$PUSH}
- {$R-}
- byteVal := value;
- byteValEven := BitAnd(byteVal, $f0);
- byteValOdd := BitAnd(byteVal, $0f);
- {$POP}
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- bp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(port.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- if BitAnd(pix^[i].position.h, 1) = 0 then
- {$PUSH}
- {$R-}
- bp^ := BitOr(BitAnd(bp^, $0f), byteValEven)
- else
- bp^ := BitOr(BitAnd(bp^, $f0), byteValOdd);
- {$POP}
- end;
- end;
- 8:
- begin
- byteVal := value;
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- bp := Ptr(pix^[i].position.h + Longint(SATRowListPtr(port.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bp^ := byteVal;
- end;
- end;
- 16:
- begin
- intVal := value;
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- ip := IntPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(port.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- ip^ := intVal;
- end;
- end;
- 32:
- begin
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- lp := LongPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 2) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(port.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- lp^ := value;
- end;
- end;
- otherwise
- end;
- {swap back}
- if gSAT.mmuMode <> true32b then
- begin
- SwapMMUMode(mmuMode);
- end;
- {$ENDC}
- end; {SATDrawPixels}
- procedure SATCopyPixels (pix: PixelPtr; var src, dest: SATPort);
- var
- mmuMode: SignedByte;
- depth, i, count: Integer;
- lp, ldp: LongPtr;
- ip, idp: IntPtr;
- bp, bdp: Ptr;
- begin
- if pix = nil then
- Exit(SATCopyPixels);
- count := GetPtrSize(Ptr(pix)) div SizeOf(Pixel);
- if gSAT.colorFlag then
- depth := dest.device^^.gdPMap^^.pixelSize
- else
- depth := 0;
- {if 24-bit, swap to 32-bit}
- if gSAT.mmuMode <> true32b then
- begin
- mmuMode := true32b;
- pix := PixelPtr(StripAddress(Ptr(pix)));
- SwapMMUMode(mmuMode);
- end;
- {$ENDC}
- case depth of
- 0, 1:
- begin
- if not gBitTablesInitialized then
- InitializeBitTables;
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- bp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 3) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(src.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 3) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(dest.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp^ := bp^;
- end;
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- {Pointless screen depth - ignored!}
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- bp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(src.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(dest.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp^ := bp^;
- end;
- end;
- 8:
- begin
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- bp := Ptr(pix^[i].position.h + Longint(SATRowListPtr(src.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp := Ptr(pix^[i].position.h + Longint(SATRowListPtr(dest.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp^ := bp^;
- end;
- end;
- 16:
- begin
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- ip := IntPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(src.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- idp := IntPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(dest.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- idp^ := ip^;
- end;
- end;
- 32:
- begin
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- lp := LongPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 2) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(src.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- ldp := LongPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 2) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(dest.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- ldp^ := lp^;
- end;
- end;
- otherwise
- end;
- {swap back}
- if gSAT.mmuMode <> true32b then
- begin
- SwapMMUMode(mmuMode);
- end;
- {$ENDC}
- end; {SATCopyPixels}
- procedure SATDrawPixelsSafe (pix: PixelPtr; var port: SATPort; value: Longint);
- var
- mmuMode: SignedByte;
- depth, i, count: Integer;
- byteVal: SignedByte;
- intVal: Integer;
- lp: LongPtr;
- ip: IntPtr;
- bp: Ptr;
- byteValEven, byteValOdd: SignedByte;
- phase: Integer;
- begin
- if pix = nil then
- Exit(SATDrawPixelsSafe);
- count := GetPtrSize(Ptr(pix)) div SizeOf(Pixel);
- if gSAT.colorFlag then
- depth := port.device^^.gdPMap^^.pixelSize
- else
- depth := 0;
- {if 24-bit, swap to 32-bit}
- if gSAT.mmuMode <> true32b then
- begin
- mmuMode := true32b;
- pix := PixelPtr(StripAddress(Ptr(pix)));
- SwapMMUMode(mmuMode);
- end;
- {$ENDC}
- case depth of
- 0, 1:
- begin
- if not gBitTablesInitialized then
- InitializeBitTables;
- for i := 0 to 7 do
- begin
- bitValues[i] := BitAnd(bits[i], value);
- end;
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- if pix^[i].position.h >= port.bounds.left then
- if pix^[i].position.v >= port.bounds.top then
- if pix^[i].position.h < port.bounds.right then
- if pix^[i].position.h < port.bounds.bottom then
- begin
- bp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 3) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(port.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- phase := BitAnd(pix^[i].position.h, 3);
- bp^ := BitOr(BitAnd(bp^, masks[phase]), bitValues[phase])
- end;
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- {Pointless screen depth - ignored!}
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- byteVal := value;
- byteValEven := BitAnd(byteVal, $f0);
- byteValOdd := BitAnd(byteVal, $0f);
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- if pix^[i].position.h >= port.bounds.left then
- if pix^[i].position.v >= port.bounds.top then
- if pix^[i].position.h < port.bounds.right then
- if pix^[i].position.h < port.bounds.bottom then
- begin
- bp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(port.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- if BitAnd(pix^[i].position.h, 1) = 0 then
- bp^ := BitOr(BitAnd(bp^, $0f), byteValEven)
- else
- bp^ := BitOr(BitAnd(bp^, $f0), byteValOdd);
- end;
- end;
- 8:
- begin
- byteVal := value;
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- if pix^[i].position.h >= port.bounds.left then
- if pix^[i].position.v >= port.bounds.top then
- if pix^[i].position.h < port.bounds.right then
- if pix^[i].position.h < port.bounds.bottom then
- begin
- bp := Ptr(pix^[i].position.h + Longint(SATRowListPtr(port.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bp^ := byteVal;
- end;
- end;
- 16:
- begin
- intVal := value;
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- if pix^[i].position.h >= port.bounds.left then
- if pix^[i].position.v >= port.bounds.top then
- if pix^[i].position.h < port.bounds.right then
- if pix^[i].position.h < port.bounds.bottom then
- begin
- ip := IntPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(port.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- ip^ := intVal;
- end;
- end;
- 32:
- begin
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- if pix^[i].position.h >= port.bounds.left then
- if pix^[i].position.v >= port.bounds.top then
- if pix^[i].position.h < port.bounds.right then
- if pix^[i].position.h < port.bounds.bottom then
- begin
- lp := LongPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 2) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(port.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- lp^ := value;
- end;
- end;
- otherwise
- end;
- {swap back}
- if gSAT.mmuMode <> true32b then
- begin
- SwapMMUMode(mmuMode);
- end;
- {$ENDC}
- end; {SATDrawPixelsSafe}
- procedure SATCopyPixelsSafe (pix: PixelPtr; var src, dest: SATPort);
- var
- mmuMode: SignedByte;
- depth, i, count: Integer;
- lp, ldp: LongPtr;
- ip, idp: IntPtr;
- bp, bdp: Ptr;
- begin
- if pix = nil then
- Exit(SATCopyPixelsSafe);
- count := GetPtrSize(Ptr(pix)) div SizeOf(Pixel);
- if gSAT.colorFlag then
- depth := dest.device^^.gdPMap^^.pixelSize
- else
- depth := 0;
- {if 24-bit, swap to 32-bit}
- if gSAT.mmuMode <> true32b then
- begin
- mmuMode := true32b;
- pix := PixelPtr(StripAddress(Ptr(pix)));
- SwapMMUMode(mmuMode);
- end;
- {$ENDC}
- case depth of
- 0, 1:
- begin
- if not gBitTablesInitialized then
- InitializeBitTables;
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- if pix^[i].position.h >= dest.bounds.left then
- if pix^[i].position.v >= dest.bounds.top then
- if pix^[i].position.h < dest.bounds.right then
- if pix^[i].position.h < dest.bounds.bottom then
- begin
- bp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 3) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(src.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 3) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(dest.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp^ := bp^;
- end;
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- {Pointless screen depth - ignored!}
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- if pix^[i].position.h >= dest.bounds.left then
- if pix^[i].position.v >= dest.bounds.top then
- if pix^[i].position.h < dest.bounds.right then
- if pix^[i].position.h < dest.bounds.bottom then
- begin
- bp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(src.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp := Ptr(BSR(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(dest.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp^ := bp^;
- end;
- end;
- 8:
- begin
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- if pix^[i].position.h >= dest.bounds.left then
- if pix^[i].position.v >= dest.bounds.top then
- if pix^[i].position.h < dest.bounds.right then
- if pix^[i].position.h < dest.bounds.bottom then
- begin
- bp := Ptr(pix^[i].position.h + Longint(SATRowListPtr(src.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp := Ptr(pix^[i].position.h + Longint(SATRowListPtr(dest.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- bdp^ := bp^;
- end;
- end;
- 16:
- begin
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- if pix^[i].position.h >= dest.bounds.left then
- if pix^[i].position.v >= dest.bounds.top then
- if pix^[i].position.h < dest.bounds.right then
- if pix^[i].position.h < dest.bounds.bottom then
- begin
- ip := IntPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(src.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- idp := IntPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 1) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(dest.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- idp^ := ip^;
- end;
- end;
- 32:
- begin
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- if pix^[i].position.h >= dest.bounds.left then
- if pix^[i].position.v >= dest.bounds.top then
- if pix^[i].position.h < dest.bounds.right then
- if pix^[i].position.h < dest.bounds.bottom then
- begin
- lp := LongPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 2) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(src.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- ldp := LongPtr(BSL(pix^[i].position.h, 2) + Longint(SATRowListPtr(dest.rows)^[pix^[i].position.v]));
- ldp^ := lp^;
- end;
- end;
- otherwise
- end;
- {swap back}
- if gSAT.mmuMode <> true32b then
- begin
- SwapMMUMode(mmuMode);
- end;
- {$ENDC}
- end; {SATCopyPixelsSafe}
- end.