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Text File | 1995-11-09 | 4.8 KB | 108 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- /*SATAddOnLib is a lib of the "Add-ons" that are easily put in a library (i.e. the ones without*/
- /*a "stubs" file). They include:*/
- /*GammaFade*/
- /*ProgressBar*/
- /*FaceFromPict*/
- /*SATToolbox*/
- /*Preferences*/
- /*Pixels*/
- /**** GammaFade ****/
- /*Screen fading routines.*/
- pascal void FadeToBlack(long ticks);
- pascal void FadeFromBlack(long ticks);
- pascal FacePtr GetFaceFromPICT(short colorPICTid,short bwPICTid,short maskPICTid);
- /* Pixel array types and routines */
- typedef struct Pixel {
- Point position;
- char data1, data2, data3, data4;
- } Pixel, Pixels, *PixelPtr;
- pascal void SATDrawPixels (PixelPtr pix, SATPort *port, long value);
- pascal void SATCopyPixels (PixelPtr pix, SATPort *src, SATPort *dest);
- pascal void SATDrawPixelsSafe (PixelPtr pix, SATPort *port, long value);
- pascal void SATCopyPixelsSafe (PixelPtr pix, SATPort *src, SATPort *dest);
- /* Preference file handling */
- pascal Boolean SetPrefFile(Str255 prefsFileName, OSType prefCreator,OSType prefType, short *appFile, short *prefFile, Boolean alwaysExternal);
- pascal OSErr CopyResource(short fromFile, short toFile, ResType theResType, short id);
- /* Progress bar */
- typedef Ptr ProgressBarColorPtr;
- typedef Ptr ProgressBarPtr;
- pascal ProgressBarPtr InitProgressBar(short prefFile,short resID, Rect bounds, ProgressBarColorPtr colors);
- pascal ProgressBarColorPtr ProgressBarColors(short frameRed,short frameGreen,short frameBlue,short backRed,short backGreen,short backBlue,short foreRed,short foreGreen,short foreBlue);
- pascal ProgressBarColorPtr ProgressBarColorsRGB(RGBColor frame,RGBColor back,RGBColor fore);
- pascal void AdvanceProgressBar(ProgressBarPtr thePB);
- pascal void FinishProgressBar(ProgressBarPtr thePB);
- /* Sprite record for sprites with fixed-point movement */
- typedef struct {
- /* Variables that you should change as appropriate */
- short kind; /* Used for identification. >0: friend. <0 foe */
- Point position;
- Rect hotRect, hotRect2; /* Tells how large the sprite is; hotRect is centered around origo */
- /*hotRect is set by you. hotRect2 is offset to the current position.*/
- FacePtr face; /* Pointer to the Face (appearance) to be used. */
- ProcPtr task; /* Callback-routine, called once per frame. If task=nil, the sprite is removed. */
- ProcPtr hitTask; /* Callback in collisions. */
- ProcPtr destructTask; /* Called when a sprite is disposed. (Usually nil.) */
- RgnHandle clip; /*Clip region to be used when this sprite is drawn.*/
- /* SAT variables that you shouldn't change: */
- Point oldpos; /*Used by RunSAT2*/
- SpritePtr next, prev; /*You may change them in your own sorting routine, but be careful if you do.*/
- Rect r, oldr; /*Rectangle telling where to draw. Avoid messing with it.*/
- FacePtr oldFace; /*Used by RunSAT2*/
- Boolean dirty; /*Used by RunSAT2*/
- /*Variables for internal use by the sprites. Use as you please. Edit as necessary - this is merely a default*/
- /*set, enough space for most cases - but if you change the size of the record, call SetSpriteSize immediately*/
- /*after initializing (before any sprites are created)!*/
- short layer; /*For layer-sorting. When not used for that, use freely.*/
- Point speed; /* Can be used for speed, but not necessarily. */
- short mode; /* Usually used for different modes and/or to determine what image to show next. */
- Point fixedPointPosition; /*fixed point position*/
- long appLong; /*Longint for free use by the application.*/
- } FixSprite, *FixSpritePtr;
- /*Constants for separation/bounceoff between sprites*/
- #define kPushBoth 0
- #define kPushMe 1
- #define kPushHim 2
- /*Sprite utilities*/
- pascal void MoveSprite(SpritePtr theSprite);
- pascal Boolean KeepOnScreen(SpritePtr theSprite);
- pascal void MoveSpriteFixedPoint(FixSpritePtr theSprite);
- pascal Boolean KeepOnScreenFixed(FixSpritePtr theSprite);
- pascal short RectSeparate(SpritePtr theSprite, SpritePtr anotherSprite, short push);
- pascal void RectBounce(SpritePtr me, SpritePtr him, short push);
- pascal void RectBounceFixed(FixSpritePtr me,FixSpritePtr him, short push);
- pascal Boolean PtInSpriteRgn(Point p, SpritePtr theSprite);
- pascal Boolean RegionHit(SpritePtr theSprite, SpritePtr anotherSprite);
- pascal void SplitVector(Point v, Point d, Point * p, Point * n);
- pascal void RegionBounce(FixSpritePtr s1, FixSpritePtr s2);
- /**** Look-up table based fixed-point math operations. ****/
- /*Good for high-speed math on 68k Macs. (Not tested too much yet.)*/
- /*Don't change these constants without recompiling the lib!*/
- #define kFixedPointShift 4 /*Number of fixed-point positions*/
- #define kFixedOne 16 /*The "one" in the fixed-point system being used!*/
- pascal void InitTables();
- pascal long SquareRoot(long arg);
- pascal long Sinus(long arg);
- pascal long Cosinus(long arg);
- pascal long VectorLength(Point vector);
- pascal long FPVectorLength(Point vector);