Death Blade will run on any Macintosh running System 7 or later, with 16-bit color (Thousands of colors) or more and Sound Manager 3.0 or later.
It was decided that Death Blade would not sacrifice graphic quality to run on system that only support 8-bit color (256 color). Typically, graphics in 8-bit are unrealistic and appear low quality due to the restricted color environment.
About Death Blade
Your name is Corwin Ironfist. You are part of the city guard, trapped in an underground complex of a city in grave danger. Due to a mishap very early in the morning, you have no sword and no armor. You have reason to believe that whatever is plaguing the city, is located in this complex. You take a deep breath and move forward, to whatever awaits.
Death Blade is a role playing game design fro the Macintosh. It's interface has been designed to be easy to use and quick to access. This is especially important since combat is real-time (well sorta).
There are sixteen levels to Death Blade. Each level poses a different problem that you have to solve. Some levels require a strong sword, while others require a systematic mind. Be prepared to be challenged.
Research with the game and see if you can discover ways of being more effective. For example, the creatures always attack immediately following their movement phase. It is impossible for you to land an attack before a creature when the creature has just moved forward. However, if you time your movements, you can move forward and attack him before he can advance. It takes practice.