Death Blade is a fairly easy game to learn. There are however, many subtle things that can help your playing experience.
As mentioned earlier in this document, creatures always attack immediately following their movement phase. It is impossible for you to land an attack on any creature between the time of their move and their attack. However, you can use this information to your advantage. If you move to the creature (instead of letting them move to you), and time your move just following one of theirs, you may get one or more attacks on them before they get a chance at you. This tactic works very well with the tougher creatures that deal great amounts of damage each time they hit.
Another tactic worth note is magic items such as "Dust of Destruction". This item (and some spells) work on all creatures in a particular area. If you have a room full of creatures and need help quick, you can use your movement advantage or select "Defensive" options, to lure creatures into a group where you may deal damage to the largest number of creatures at once.
Another simple, yet effective tactic, is to keep your back to a wall during combat. Creatures in death blade may attack from the forward, rear, left, and right cells surrounding you (four positions). By keeping your back to the wall, you reduct the number of simultaneous attacks, thereby increasing your chance for survival.
There are many secrets to Death Blade. Many items lie hidden in walls structures that may only be reached through the use of the "Shatter Stone" spell. Unfortunately, there is a very limited supply of these scrolls available. You may wish to save your game often, exploring these areas as you see fit, and restoring your game should your investigation turn up nothing.
Some levels in Death Blade are more difficult than others. Some may require you to map them, in order to solve them. Other may require a bit of problem solving. One level of note has four large square rooms with a number of small unconnected corridors unning inside them. These cooridors are filled with teleports leading to other locations of the same level. There is a logic to where the teleports take you. With some experiment and possible the use of the "Mystical Sight" scroll (if you have one), you may discover the secret.
Other tactics may prove usefull at certain times. Experiment and have fun. One important thing to remember, is that you do not have to kill all creatures on all levels. You have the advantage of being able to move faster than any of the other creatures. If a fight is too difficult (and you are not surrounded), attempt to flee. You may be able to bypass the fight, or simply move to a better tactical position for using items such as spells. Do not be afraid to retreat if necessary.