Software of the Month Club 1995 February
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LIST Version 9.0h CONTENTS Feb 23, 1994
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LIST Copyright Vernon D. Buerg 1983-1994. All rights reserved.
Files on registered disk:
LICENSE Licensing information and sample licensing agreement
MAILER Registration form
LIST DOC Documentation file for LIST (may be PRINTed)
LIST HST Version history, summary of changes to LIST
LIST COM LIST command, Plus version, all commands and features
LISTR COM LIST regular version, no file selection menu
LISTS COM Small version of LIST, no help screen, requires only 30k
ARCE COM Archive file extract utility
FV COM Display archive file directory utility
DRLIST COM Special CTTY/ANSI version of LIST
DRLIST DOC Documentation for DRLIST to be PRINTed
LIST569C ARC Older, smaller, simpler version of LIST. Use ARCE to unpack.
LISTOS2 ARC LIST v6.4 for OS/2. Use ARCE to unpack.
LISTOSII ARC LIST v7.5 for OS/2. Available to registered users only.
LISTOPT COM LIST customization program for registered users only.
COLOR PAT Example DEBUG input to change colors
DIALER PAT Example DEBUG input to change dialer COM port
PROGRAMS List of other programs
LIST Version 9.0e REGISTRATION Nov 15, 1993
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You are urged to register your copy of LIST. Businesses are required
to obtain a site license. The network version is available through
a license or registration only.
Registered users receive:
- a disk with the latest versions of the LIST files
- additional programs including an OS/2 version and
the LISTOPT customization program for tailoring the
colors and options of all LIST versions
- an 80-page users manual
- notification of new versions
- a discount on the commercial LIST Enhanced program and
other software products from Buerg Software
- technical support via telephone, FAX, BBS, and CompuServe
Registration is $37 plus $3 shipping & handling. There are
several ways to register:
- by mail, use the MAILER program to send a check in US dollars,
- by telephone, use your VISA, MasterCard, or Discover Card,
- online, through CompuServe, GO SWREG and select ID 417,
- online, using the VOR or Motherboard BBS,
- by FAX, send a copy of the mailer file with credit card
information and your signature.
Vernon D. Buerg FAX: (707) 778-8728
Buerg Software BBS: (707) 778-8944
139 White Oak Circle Voice: (707) 778-1811, orders only
Petaluma, CA 94952 CIS: 70007,1212; GO SWREG, ID 417