Software of the Month Club 1995 February
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82 lines
F1 = HELP ALT-A = Add a list of files
CTL-F2 = Copy highlighted file A = Add file(s) to compressed
SFT-F2 = Copy tagged files ALT-C = Add/update file comments
F3 = View highlighted file F7 = Create new compressed file
CTL-ENTER = Ativate File Viewer ALT-D = Delete all extracted files
CTL-F3 = Move highlighted file D = Delete highlighted file
SFT-F3 = Move tagged files CTL-D = Delete tagged files
F4 = Delete highlighted file/Dir F8 = EDIT SELECTED FILE
SFT-F4 = Delete all tagged files ALT-P = Drive:path to extract into
F5 = Show file statictics ALT-Q = Immediately exit SHEZ
F6 = Sort the file display ALT-V = View file comment records
CTL-F6 = Rename file ALT-X = Extract all files
SFT-F6 = Rename tagged files ALT-N = Extract all NEWER files
F6 = Toggle $.$ and *.* ALT-B = Browse any file
F7 = Create new compressed file CTL-E = Extract all tagged files
F8 = Make Self Extracting file ALT-E = Extract specified file(s)
from highlighted file E = Extract the highlighted file
SFT-F8 = Make Self Extracting files ALT-F = Freshen a list of files
from all tagged files. F = Freshen file(s) in compressed
ALT-B = Browse any file F1 = HELP
ALT-C = Add/update file comments / = Menu display
ALT-P = Drive:path to extract into + = Tag highlighted file
ALT-Q = Immediately exit SHEZ - = Untag highlighed file
ALT-R = Reread the directory. ALT-M = Move a list of files
M = Move file(s) to compressed
ALT-V = Convert highlighted archive G = Password for compressed file
file to another format. R = Run the highlighted file
CTL-V = Convert all tagged archive S = Add\Update comment records
files to another format. for highlighted file
CTL-U = Untag all tagged files SFT-S = Add\Update file records for
CTL-SPACE = Tag all files all files in compressed file.
ALT-W = Write SHEZ.CFG file. Z = SPECIFY compressed FILE MASK
ALT-Z = Check files in all tagged I = Show info about archive file
compressed files for F9 = Sort archive listing
viruses. ALT-S = Speed search
ALT-1 = Toggle authenticity mode F2 = Switch to another archive
/ = Display menu bar File or directory
+ = Tag highlighted file F10 = Temporary exit to DOS
- = Untag highlighed file T = Test archive integrity
Enter = Display directory contents O = Toggle overwrite for extract
or Display file contents. P = Specify Path options
SPACE = Toggle tag status SPACE = Toggle tag status
CTL-X = Immediately exit to extract path CTL-U = Untag all files
CTL-Z = Check files in all tagged CTL-SPACE = Tag all files
compressed files for viruses, CTL-V = Convert sfx file.
plus strip comments out of ALT-U = Update a list of files
any tagged .ZIP files. CLT-T = Update archive file time&date
CTL-T = Tag all files. U = Update file in archive
ALT-6 = Macro Start/Stop recording ALT-Z = Check for viruses
ALT-7 = Macro Playback CTL-Y = Copy tagged files from one
ALT-8 = Macro Load and run Compress file to another.
ALT-9 = Macro Save ALT-1 = Toggle authenticity mode
ALT-0 = Macro Off and Flush V|RET = View the file
ALT-5 = Macro pause CTL-ENTER = Alternate File Viewer
ALT-+ = Tag highlighted file CTL-X = Immediately exit to extract path
ALT-- = Untag highlighted file ALT-T = Toggle tagged file status line
TAB = Secondary directory display ALT-G = Run GREP against file(s)
DEL = Delete hilighted/tagged file(s) ALT-Y = Run program against file(s)
ALT-F = Run PKZIPFIX on highlighted file ALT-6 = Macro Start/Stop recording
ALT-O = fOrmat Floppy ALT-7 = Macro Playback
ALT-D = View 4DOS description ALT-8 = Macro Load and run
ALT-U = Update/Add 4DOS description ALT-9 = Macro Save
CTL-S = Strip ZIP comments records ALT-0 = Macro Off and Flush
CTL-F4 = Create directory tree ALT-5 = Macro pause
CTL-F5 = Delete directory tree TAB = Secondary directory display
ALT-M = ZOOM / UNZOOM window DEL = Delete hilighted/tagged file(s)
ALT-F1 = View FILE_ID.DIZ ALT-O = fOrmat Floppy
F9 = Sort file list CTL-S = Strip ZIP comment records
ALT-F9 = Change Sort order ALT-F9 = Change sort order
ALT-F2 = Smart tagged copy ALT-F2 = Smart tagged extract
ALT-F8 = UUENCODE highlighted/tagged file ALT-F8 = UUENCODE highlighted/tagged file
CTL-F8 = UUDECODE highlighted/tagged file CTL-F8 = UUDECODE highlighted/tagged file
CTL-F = display disk Free space CTL-F = display disk Free space
ALT-F3 = Smart tagged move