ocr: MACFORMAT Demos MACFORMAT 44 Browser IndyCar Racing II E Infini-D 3.5 L 3D World 2.0 - The easy way to preview what's on this CD. Specular 3D Web Workshop L 3-D Website Builder Now Utilities 6.5.1 L Now Startup Manager 7.0.1 Shareware Central Conflict Catcher 3 L. Women's Rights a Planet All the shareware reviewed in this issue. Earth . Blinky Bill: the Ghost Cave Shareware Plus Finder Enhancers Over 100Mb of the very latest shareware straight AliasMenu 1.1 L AMICO 2.0 Apollo 1.22 from the Internet. AutoMenus Pro 3.2 L Default Folder 2.6.1 L Dialog View L gaspod-10 L Menuette 2.0.1 E Power- Re ...