For a limited time only, you will receive the first months subscription free
How to order:
Phone 1-888-GET-FAX (U.S. +1-212-431-3833 or UK +44 171 681 1400)
Order on the web
Fax the following form to (U.S. +1-212-253-4000 or UK +44 171 681 1122)
Email the following form to
O R D E R P R O C E S S:
JFAX will provide you with a personal fax and/or voicemail number in the city or cities you choose below. Faxes and Voicemail received at that number will be forwarded to your E-Mail address. JFAX will inform you of your personal fax number via E-Mail, usually within 24 hours.
JFAX will charge your credit card US$12.50 (8.00 UK Pounds) per month for your personal fax number, and with this promotion the first month is free. If you receive more than 100 pages of faxes per month on that number, JFAX will charge your card US$0.20 (15 UK pence) per additional page.
Your credit card will be charged a one time activation fee of US$15 (regular rate US$30).
For JFAX toll free U.S. fax numbers the monthly fee is US$12.50 per month plus $0.25 for each incoming fax page. One-time activation fee US$30 (regular rate $60). Toll free numbers valid in U.S. except Alaska and Hawaii.
You will be notified of your JFAX personal fax number by E-Mail, usually within 24 hours. If you have any questions, write to