This is an extra patch to “NewsWatcher 2.15+jp1”, that makes NewsWatcher not generate its own Message-ID header line when you post new messages. On receiving the messages without Message-ID header line, your news server will attatch a proper Message-ID to your messages, instead.
I hope this extra patch is good for the following conditions;
• When you are using Macintosh not connected to any DNS servers, the original NewsWatcher generates the Message-ID whose hostname part is depicted as "*.*.*.*" in a raw IP address.
• Some network administrators suggest you that the news reader should generate a proper Message-ID respecting to your news server.
To make a patch, you should follow these steps;
1. Apply “NewsWatcher 2.15+jp1 update” to the original “NewsWatcher 2.15” to get a new “NewsWatcher 2.15+jp1” application program.
2. Then again apply this patchwork “NewsWatcher 2.15+jp1x update” to my “NewsWatcher 2.15+jp1” application program.
You can obtain the original and my patch programs at the following locations;
which is defined in a printf() style format in the program code;
This style format is a text string, so you can replace it with a null string "\0" to make no Message-ID published by NewsWatcher.
When posting the messages, “NewsWatcher 2.15+jp1” inspects the resource data 'STR ' of ID=801 whether or not it should make its own Message-ID. If the data is non-zero, then it kills the Message-ID. The only difference between “jp1” and “jp1x” is the value of this resource data. So, you can change it by your hand using ResEdit, instead of applying “jp1x updater”.