ocr: MACFORMAT System Updates Jonni Star Episode 4 System 7.5.3 Revision 2 Update The fourth instalment of our exclusive animated System 7.5.5 Update cartoon serial! Component Software MacFormat 49 Floppy ActionLine vl.1.2 I BBEditeod Lite 1.0 La Corda Enemy Balloon Buster . File Buddy E GURU L Demo Software . Dock'Em PPC 1.0.3 - Dock'Em Insecticons VolIl MultiTimer I Smart Scroll PPC 1.0.3 Viewer L Lexi Demo Installer - Live Xenia Objects Demo (includes OpenDoc 1.1, Cyberdog and QuickDraw 3D) - WAV 1.0.2 Demo . WebBurst 1.0 Shareware Demo Over 100Mb of the very latest shareware, plucked from the I ...