Well, it's a “StartupScreen” bearing a fancy MacOS Logo with a cool background designed by me. It is designed for a 15" monitor at 832x624 pixels resolution and 256 or more colours.
I dunno.
What do I do with it?
Drop it in your System Folder, Restart, and Enjoy!
Is this Shareware?
Actually, it's just e-mail-ware, just drop me a note if you like it. Feel free to send money!
Who are you?
“Not the one.”
E-mail questions, comments, ludicrous offers of money for my work, and cool tidbits to: parsec@umdsun2.umd.umich.edu or parsec@umich.edu
Also feel free to check out my home page at: http://www.umd.umich.edu/~parsec/
donations payable to:
Michael Skora
12800 Nathaline
Redford, MI, 48239-2737
“MacOS” is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Incorporated. No animals were harmed in the creation or testing of this work and the artist accepts no responsibility or responsibilities in the appropriateness or functionality of the files downloaded by the user (you). Additionally by using these files in any manner you agree to work towards a better society, the advancement of knowledge, and anything else that I may want. This “fine print” may or may not be binding under your state, federal or personal laws.