I made this Bryce Image with 2 Cylinders, 2 Torus, 1 Cube, 2 Pict’s and 2 Terrains. I pasted an image crated in Claris works in to he terrain editor, creating the top of the can. I then made the terrain negative and then grouped it with the cylinders. I took the image of the magazine cover from the Mac Format Cover CD by capturing a screen shot, (Command+Shift+3).
I have included the can top artwork as a PICT File, so you can have a go at making your own Cola Can.
Blimp Pictures
These pictures were created by wrapping a picture around a stretched sphere (Cylindrically). The office building was made by creating two terrains,one with a lattice silhouette pasted in to box A in the terrain editor. This terrain is slightly bigger than the other, and has an alpha channel to make the windows clear.
Alien Space Craft
The " Bob Lazar " pictures are based on a alien space craft rumoured to be in the custody of the American Government. I made it by first creating a sphere and then cutting off the bottom with a negative cylinder (to make it in to a saucer shape). I then made a duplicate and flipped it upside down and positioned it below the other. The raised bands are torus and the windowed area is made with two cones, one with a window picture (and alpha channel) wrapped around it, like the office building in the blimp pictures. The Nashville U.F.O. is made in the same way apart from the saucer section has a "ladder" pattern wrapped around it.
Saturn 5
The Saturn 5 has 23 Cylinders, 5 Cones, 5 Cubes, 10 Spheres, 5 Torus and 1 Pyramid.
I have included the textures to wrap around the rockets cylinders if you want to have a go at building your own.
Space Station Zeta Movie
This animation was created using "Mover" from the July 95 Mac Format cover disk.
It has 28 frames running at 10 frames a second.
The Blimp Animation has 24 frames and is also running at 10 frames a second.
The second Blimp Animation is an experiment to see how the motion blur filter in Photoshop adds to the illusion of movement.