There's a woman here reading. She's The Evil Wizard and Brutus' sister. She is not greedy like here brothers. Rather than assisting his brothers' wonderfully evil and short-sighted plan to conquer the world one corpse at a time, she has decided to simply sit back and enjoy the wealth that their father left to them.
She wishes her brothers would stop what they've been doing. She doesn't agree with her brothers and will assist the party if possible. Her two skeleton guards will attack anyone instantly. If the skeletons are taken out, the sister will assist the group only if she feels like it is safe to do so. She wants the castle and all of the things in it. They were left to her and her brothers. Her brothers are misusing it. There's really nothing she can do to stop them. But, if they are vanquished, she expects the invading party to leave quietly, especially if she assists them. If the party tries to take over the castle or take anything unnecessary, she will escape to find help. Her father had friends that will assist her. The father's adventuring group is made up of about 7 individuals each having 6-8 levels in their prime area of interest. They can be here in a day if needed.
Her father gave her a ring of teleportation before he died. The Evil Wizard doesn't know about it. If things get too bad, she will poof or teleport away to the castle of her father friend. Once there, the rest of her father's party can be contacted easily.