Genie's are one of the tougher species in Phantasie. They are also very rare. Genie's are a species of magical giant that have exceptionally long life spans. Genies, if encountered, will have between 15 and 25 magic levels. They can fly, transform, and gaseous form at will.
A spirit that will give three wishes to the person that summoned him.
My version of the genie is a very undetailed. I want to explain why. The genie that gave Aladdin the three wishes was trapped in a lamp. I assume that particular genie was cursed somehow. Part of that genie's curse was that when he was finally freed, he had to give the person that freed him three wishes. If there were a species of genie, I would assume that all of them would not be trapped in lamps throughout the world. I would also assume that all of them would not be the servants of whoever happens to be holding his home (the lamp). You are welcome to run your genie's in whatever way you wish, this, to me, seems to make much more sense.