Phantoms are a form of ghost. These are spirits that decided to stay here on this world in their immaterial form. Sometimes, when a person dies, his spirit doesn't make it to his next place of residence: the spiritual realm. Most of these spirits though, eventually, do make it back. Some however choose to stay here for different reasons. As this spirit learns his new limitations in his new form, he can develop some power over the material world through the use of magic. They also can learn how to manipulate their environment physically through willpower. These are phantoms. All phantoms will have at least 1 level of magic experience with some having up to 2. Phantoms usually stay alone, but sometimes, groups of up to 5 may be encountered. Usually these larger groups will be people that died together somehow and have stayed together ever since. Phantoms are visible, but transparent. Give all individuals attacking a phantom a -1 modifier to their strikeroll. Killing a phantom will result in the normal experience reward and possibly a stroke of good luck if that particular phantom was tormenting other spirits before his destruction.
Phantoms have learned in a limited way to affect their environment physically. Phantoms may punch or kick for up to 5 points of damage plus their usual strength bonus.
As with all other ghosts, strictly material objects do no damage to phantoms. Magical weaponry will do normal damage to them. Spells will do their normal amounts of damage if the force causing the damage is magical (i.e. a rock telekinetically thrown at an phantom will do no damage.) All ghosts can function well at anytime of day in any climate.