Giant spiders are spiders that live in forests and trap large animals for food. In most habits and behaviors, they are just like normal spiders. They are more than happy to eat humanoids if they feel that they can get away with it.
The spider's poison can be lethal. Usually though it only weakens and causes unconciousness. Anyone bitten by a giant spider should pass a standard constitution check. If they pass the check, they recieve a -1 modifier to their strikerolls and maneuverabilities for 1 day. If they fail the check, they fall unconcious for 1 day. Those who fail must also pass a second check in 24 hours. If they pass, they then recieve a -1 modifier for another day and afterwards are cured. If they fail, they die.
Anyone trapped in a giant spider's web with less than a 95 strength cannot free himself. He will need outside help. Normal weapons cannot cut giant spider web. Fire will burn them. Some solvents such as alcohol or turpentine will dissolve them. Magical weapons with damage modifiers can cut them. Other magical weapons will have no effect.