ocr: - - - MF52CDindex 30 2 - - To make finding your way around the MACFORMAT CD easier, here's an alphabetical index to the major files, along with the folders you'll find them in. Files with no folder named are in the main window. Acrobat Reader 3.0 (Resources) MetaPong (Shareware Central) BOOM (Shareware Central) MindOut! (Shareware Central) Broken Sword Preview (Demos) MineSweeper Pro 1.0 (MacFormat 52 Floppy) CDIconkiller 1.4 (Resources) MutantDungeonyR (Shareware Central) CFM-68K 4.0 (Resources: System Resources) NewsWatcher 2.1.6 (Resources) ClipAppend (MacFormat 52 Floppy) QuickTime 2.5 (Re ...