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Text File | 1997-08-05 | 5.7 KB | 186 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- Hexomania v1.1 READ ME
- Copyright 1996 Jörg Kienzle
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Welcome to Hexomania!
- Hexomania is a strategic game for two players. You also have the possibility
- to play against a computer player, or even against a remote opponent over
- a network.
- I hope you enjoy the game. The following file explains the basic concepts of
- the game and includes other useful info.
- Have fun, and please don't forget to pay the shareware fee if you play this
- game often...
- Jörg Kienzle
- jkienzle@di.epfl.ch
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Requirements
- Mac or Power Mac (Hexomania is Power Mac native)
- 4 MB memory
- 640x480 screen or larger, support 256 colors/grays or more
- System 7.5 or later (not sure about this, may work with older ones)
- Optional: Speech Manager, TCP/IP / Open Transport
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Instructions
- The rules of the game are very simple:
- The game board consists of 11x11 hexagons. Each player (green or red) must
- try to build a path from one end of the board to the other one:
- the green player from the top right side to the bottom left one, the red
- player from the top left side to the bottom right one. The players are
- allowed to set on any field that is still free.
- Although this might seem very easy, the game is very tricky to play. One
- wrong move and you lose!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- About the computer player
- Unfortunately I have startet writing my diploma thesis and I don't have
- enough time to write a really good computer player. The current version
- does not calculate any moves in advance. It only analyses the current board
- settings. I've started writing a computer player that does precalculation
- but I still get a lot of crashes (that's why the "hard" option in the "Computer
- Menu" is disabled). Look for a better computer player in future releases.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Speech Manager
- If you have the Speech Manager installed, the computer player can speak
- it's moves using various predefined voices. This can also be fun during
- netplay, where you can send messages to your opponent over the network,
- and they are spoken out loud!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Net Play
- Hexomania version 1.1 has been extensively tested for network play.
- In order to get network play, you need to have Open Transport or
- Mac TCP installed. Select "New Game" on both computers. On one, choose
- e.g. "Human" and "TCP/IP Server". A dialog saying "Waiting for client"
- is displayed.
- Then, on the other computer, choose "TCP/IP client" and "Human". Then$
- type in the IP address or DNS address of the server machine and off you
- go...
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contacting the author
- I would appreciate any (constructive) comments or bug reports.
- My email address is:
- jkienzle@di.epfl.ch
- If you want to know more about me, check out my homepage:
- http://lglwww.epfl.ch/~jkienzle/
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Registration
- The shareware fee for Hexomania is $15. Paying for Hexomania is fairly
- simple. Open the Register program that accompanies Hexomania. Enter
- your name and your email address (optional).
- Save or Copy or Print the data from the register program and send the
- data and payment to Kagi. Kagi handles my payment processing.
- If paying with Credit Card or First Virtual, you can email or fax the
- data to Kagi. Their email address is sales@kagi.com and their fax is
- +1 510 652-6589. You can either Copy the data from the register program
- and paste it into the body of an email message or you can Save the
- data to a file and you can attach that file to an email message.
- There is no need to compress the data file, it's already pretty small.
- If you have a fax modem, just Print the data to the Kagi fax number.
- If you provide a correct internet email address, you will receive an
- email acknowledgement as soon as you payment has been processed.
- If you are paying with Cash or USD Check you should print the data
- using the register program and send it to the address shown on the
- form, which is:
- Kagi
- 1442-A Walnut Street #392-I6
- Berkeley, California 94709-1405
- Checks must be drawn in US Dollars.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Legal stuff
- This game has been around since about 50 years now. It is commonly known
- under the name HEX. It has been described in:
- Martin Gardner: The Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and
- Divisions, Simon and Schuster, 1959.
- John Nash proved in 1949 that the first player has a theoretical win,
- but he doesn't indicate how to win. The largest size board for which
- a complete winning strategy is known is 7x7.
- If you want to know more about HEX, check out the Hex FAQ at:
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~hde/hex/hexfaq
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Improvments since version 1.0.1
- Network play has been extensively tested/debugged and should now work
- on any 68k and PowerMacs with OpenTransport or TCP/IP installed.
- Possibility to change the green stones into blue ones (for color-blind
- people).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version history
- Version 1.0 - December 1996
- - initial release
- Version 1.0.1 - March 1997
- - possibility to speed up animations
- Version 1.1 - August 1997
- - debugged and tested network play
- - new feature for color-blind people: green stones can be changed to
- blue ones