There is lots of pollution but it’s not all bad there are lots of caring people who care and are trying to help stop pollution but we can all help. The inviroment by stopping using arasols and all buying ozone frendly arasols.
Were always heaing about protestors on the news who over the last 3/4 weeks have tryed to stop roads from being bult through forests there are also other sorts of people helping like GreenPeace and Frends of the earth but we need you to help as well by using your “COMMON SENSE”.
What’s effecting are ozone?
Ozone - In the persence of sunlight nitrogen oxides react with hydrocarbons from vehicle emissions and industrial souces to produce ozone, a secondary pollutant and a constituent of photochemical smog. While there is considerable concern about the loss of ozone in the upper atmosphere, at ground level it is a pollutant which reacts very easily with biological materials.
Effects - Ozone may cause runny eyes, throat irrtation and some breathing difficulties at fairly low levels. It can reduce the resistance of the lung to disease. At present it is uncertain wheter any lasting debilitation is caued. The Department of Heath advise that when ozone levls are high, some people who are sensitive to ozone pollution will experience coughing and discomfort when exercising vigorously outdoors. Some asthmatics and others may have a sensitivity to ozone which produces syptoms when ‘moderate’ ozone levels are reported. Unfortunately it is not possible to identify these individuals in advane of thier being affected. An increasing proportion of individuals will be affected at ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’ ozone levels and all those at risk should consider outdoor exercise when adverse conditions are forecast. Photochemical smog is becoming an increasingly serious problem in the United Kingdom.