The file titled Pollution Magzaine is a DocMaker file. This is a Magzaine full of information about pollution.
I made this because I what people to know how bad pollution is or is maded by Power Stations,Cars,ships and lots more.
I could not think of a title for this
Over a monthly bayses I will be bring to you in the confort of your mac information on pollution
But I need you. Yes you. To help me, if you are in to pollution and want to stop it get in contact with me (address and bottom of text) and you can write in (Look at FreeWare in Pollution Magazine for more infomation) a I will put it in the Magzaine (Pollution Magzaine 2.0) and will put it on this Magazines coverdisc (MACFORMAT) (If they put It on!).
If you are in GreenPeace(Or something like that)
Please send me info on pollution,Animals,things like that and I will put them in (Animals in the Animals Magazine coming soon!! 1998.
OK this is FreeWare! the pollution Magazine here on this disk is a cutdown version of the full version of pollution magazine if you would like to get the full version fill in the FreeWare Form in the folder you found this ReadMe file in. Then fill it in and send it to:
write to the address :
Pollution Magazine,
Clos Du Bordel,
Bordel Lane,
GY3 5DD.
Channel Islands
Changes to Full version
Version 1.0
First version released
Version 1.1
Added a Info box in Apple Menu.
Updated ReadMe file to Version 1.1
Added System Requirements to ReadMe.
Added Changes to ReadMe.
Added background colour.
Added Table of Contents.
Added Text Transfer.
Version 1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8
Not Released
Version 1.9
Add New News Chapter.
Version 2.0
the long a waited verson
A lot added
Version 2.1
Added news on GreenPeace trial at Cap de la Hague.
Version 2.1.1
Added more news on GreenPeace
Version 2.1.2
Added more news on GreenPeace
note versions
2.1, 2.1.1 was not Released
System Requirements
Colour Macintosh(256 Colours or more)
PowerMac : Any 256 Colours or more
PowerBook : Any Colour PowerBook 256 Colours or more
3MB of Ram Required to run Docmaker File.(8MB of Totel RAM (min.)).do not overide!!!
I am providing this product for your use and information. At the time of this writing everything in here was accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have taken considerable time and care to make sure that the information contained in here is as accurate and comprehensive as possible. I assume no responsibility for your computer, your data, your hardware, your software, you, or your mental well-being. By reading and using this product, you agree not to hold me liable for anything.
Libraries, Schools etc...
If you would like to use this as a educational or information package for schools or libraries please send us a e-mail or snail Mail letter
(magazine will still be free!)
E-Mail Address:
Snail Mail
Pollution magazine,
Clos Du Bordel,
Bordel Lane,
GY3 5DD.
The Address for FreeWare Forms and info for Magzines (Animals or Pollution)