What are these two things in the window "Tom's Stacks" ?
The two items in the Tom's Stacks folder are StuffItLite self-extracting archives. Just double click them to install.
You will require system 7.0, 7.1 or anything above to cope with some of the scripting in the stacks. (and HyperCard or HyperCard Player)
What is this distributed under?
These stacks are distributed as "Like-me ware". If you do like them then fine - feel free to send voluntary contributions.
if you do not like these stacks then go write your own. (NetworkTalk was my own idea ,so if you use the principal of how the stack is scripted on anything else you create with either HyperCard, Director, SuperCard or any other multimedia App, you must contact me first via snail mail. (this is just so I know what my creation will be made into)
I do not take any credit for any other mac intranet / linking software such as AppleTalk. If the name NetworkTalk is already used in a professional publication then I am genuinely sorry as it will simply be that I had just not heard of it before. I do not mean to offend any legal eagles out there.
If you so desire you can snail mail me at
(united kingdom)
Common Hills Farm,
Slad Lane,
NR20 4SX
I am not yet on the internet but hope to be in future. No doubt when I get on I will add another pointless E-MAIL page to the towering mass of them that exist already.
Thanks for your time and actually reading a readme.
If you did not bother to read this you will not know what I am going to release next so Hard cheese and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
Future publications
My publications are all so far in the form of Stacks as I am very limited as to what I can create (as I have no other multimedia Apps). I am not asking for you to send me any (although I would dearly love some) as this would be breaking the law and that may be considered naughty by some of this society. All I ask is that you could relay some contact numbers or information regarding how I can pick up some smart multimedia software.
Anyway... I am running on as usuall.
In the future I plan to make an INIT or keyboard Shortcut Function that can be written into the system File. This will bypass ANY protection system that is currently installed on a mac. This may only be intended for those who have locked themselves out of their own computer using such things as Fileguard (hey I have done it before).
I also plan to make a different opperating system for the mac although this is in EXTREMELY early stages at the moment. - I will release a time limited demo version in future (perhaps on a startup disk) for a preview.
Hope that everything I have said in this readme is Legal. If not then I am genuinely sorry and did not mean to type it. (grovel grovel)... ;-)