Text File | 1997-08-08 | 995 b | 18 lines | [TEXT/ttxt]
∞ ikthusian arts icons
My Thanks
Thanks for taking the time to download what I hope you find a fun, friendly, non-caloric, and environmentally-friendly set of icons. Sprinkle your desktop with them and see what happens. No ... please ... don't thank me for the tons of new friends and admirers you'll acquire.
My Catch
If you really like these little pretties, I could really use a breathtakingly low shareware fee of $2. I'm not making you pay it; you might be unable to afford. But if you can pay, my family and I thank you. If you can't pay, grace me with an e-mail greeting.
My Pitch
Graphic arts is what I do. And I want to do it for you. I'm accepting projects and would be tickled pink to be included in your next one. Contact me!
My Advice
Eat well, sleep well, exercise, read, make art, and use a Mac.
My World
Send check for $2 in U.S. currency to: Brian Brasher, 528 Triple Creek Drive, Morris, AL 35116. Thanks! God bless you.