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Text File | 1997-10-05 | 14.0 KB | 251 lines | [ttro/ttxt] |
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- ScannerProbe - Version 1.6 - October 5th, 1997 - READ ME file
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- Macintosh application by: Lance Drake / eMail: lance@drake.org
- Comments, suggestions, feedback welcome!
- Features:
- -------------------------------------------------------
- • ScannerProbe can be executed after you boot your Macintosh so that
- you do not have to always have the Scanner powered up before you boot.
- This version is also functional with Mac OS 8 and now does support the
- Apple Color OneScanner which uses the 'Scanner' (Version 4.0).
- extension. It continues to support the B&W Apple Scanner and OneScanner
- as well as the drivers for those Scanners (Version 3.0).
- • ScannerProbe can help you determine if you have a power-on problem
- with your Scanner which is the case with some Scanners that balk at a
- short Reset pulse that comes at them when the Macintosh first starts up.
- • ScannerProbe (or an alias to it) can be put in your Startup Items
- folder in the System Folder which will automatically remind you that
- everything is right in Scanner land or give you the chance to correct
- the situation. Because ScannerProbe has an 'Auto-Quit' feature which
- will cause the application to quit whether is succeeds of fails means
- you don't have to click on any buttons to get on with your work.
- The default value for 'Auto Timeout' is 'OFF'. Pull down the 'Options'
- menu to set this feature On or Off. ScannerProbe also features the
- ability to make a 'Yea' or 'Nay' sound depending on the success of the
- results of it's efforts. Check the 'Options' menu for 'Sound Effects On'.
- • ScannerProbe remembers where you last closed it so you don't have to
- constantly move the window to someplace accomodating on the screen.
- • ScannerProbe lets you set the SCSI ID number where you expect to find
- the Scanner as well as select the Scanner Driver INIT which it will try
- to install. Far from idiotproof, ScannerProbe is at least a tool which
- can help you determine that: 1. The Computer can talk to your Scanner and
- 2. The Scanner Driver can be tested for being installed and able to
- communicate with the Scanner.
- • ScannerProbe works with all Apple Scanners when used along with the
- drivers which are supposed to support them. .
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ScannerProbe FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Q: What is ScannerProbe?
- A: ScannerProbe helps overcome some of the difficulties associated with
- the use of Apple® Scanners. Applications which perform scanning chores
- using scanners, such as those made by Apple Computer®, rely on a driver
- which is installed into the memory of the computer at boot time. Sometimes
- this does not happen and, as a result, applications cannot communicate
- with the Scanner due to the missing driver. The net result is that you
- cannot perform any scanning until the driver is in place and it has
- successfully communicated with the Scanner.
- Q: Why is ScannerProbe needed?
- A: The Apple Scanner driver is not 'loaded' into the operating system when
- the operating system tells the 'driver' to 'Open' and the Scanner is not
- cooperating. The Apple® OneScanner can have this problem as can others.
- Also, if the Scanner is not powered on when the System is booted, the Scanner
- driver is not loaded because the Scanner could not tell the Computer, 'All is OK'.
- Q: What's the solution?
- A: There are some programs which can recognize this situation and cause the
- Scanner to wake up as well as going to the trouble of installing the Scanner
- driver which was not loaded at Boot time. Two of these programs are Ofoto®
- from LightSource, Inc. and Image Assistant® from Caere Corp. However, if you
- wanted to use a program, such as 'OmniPage Professional®' , you would not
- be ever be able to scan until the Scanner Driver was installed and the Scanner
- was controllable by the Scanner Driver. It's a catch-22 situation. No scanner,
- no driver, no driver, no scanner. Note Mac OS 8 has rendered Ofoto 2.0.x incapable
- of supporting different popup menu options such as Scan DPI, etc.
- Q: How does ScannerProbe work?
- A: When launched, this application attempts to communicate with the Scanner.
- If the Scanner is 'brain-dead' or simply without power, an Alert dialog appears
- and informs you of what must be done to make communication with the Scanner
- possible. If, after you have power-cycled the Scanner, the Scanner Driver
- still cannot be opened due to no communication with the Scanner, you will
- receive another Alert which tells you, more or less, what went wrong and let's
- you know you still have a problem. But, if the Scanner starts talking,
- ScannerProbe will get the driver installed and you can then go right to
- work (or play).
- Q: Does ScannerProbe have a driver 'inside' it?
- A: No, ScannerProbe goes to the Extensions folder in the 'boot disk' system
- folder and reads in and installs the very same driver which would have been
- installed if nothing had gone wrong... had gone wrong... had gone wrong...
- ScannerProbe is an application which can be 'double-click' launched when
- or may be placed in the 'Startup Items' folder in the system folder for
- automatic execution. Other utilities, such as QuicKeys®, CE Software
- may be also used to cause it to be launched.
- Q: What should I expect when I run ScannerProbe?
- A: A dialog box which indicates that it is trying to talk to the Scanner.
- Depending on whether this effort is successful, another dialog appears
- confirming whether you're in a sposition to proceed with your scanning.
- If the Scanner driver is not there or the Scanner is not being talkative,
- you will see a dialog which will tell you what to do and also give you the
- chance to confirm that the Scanner can be reached at a given SCSI address.
- If you want to see these dialogs, boot your system with the Scanner shut
- off and then run ScannerProbe.
- Q: What else does it do?
- A: ScannerProbe also let's you pick the SCSI Address (zero thru six) where
- your Scanner is set so that you can leave your scanner off until you wish to
- use it, power on the Scanner, launch ScannerProbe and, assuming all goes well,
- you may then use any of the Scanner programs which use of Scanner driver.
- In the next version of ScannerProbe, this will be done for you automatically.
- Q: Is there anything else I should know?
- A: ScannerProbe keeps a preferences file in the Preferences Folder of the
- System folder. Toss it in the trash and relaunch ScannerProbe if you want
- to see the configuration dialog or make any adjustments. Also, be sure
- and do the 'Chooser' thing with your Scanner so that the 'Scanner Prefs'
- file in the system folder is current. Go to the Chooser, click on 'Apple
- ColorOne' or 'Apple Scan' or whatever is the OS link to identify the Scanner
- in your system. Some apps, such as 'OmniPage Pro' rely on this data to
- be accurate.
- Q: Does ScannerProbe work with ANY scanner?
- A: No, sad to say, the only driver it works with devices which make use of an
- Apple Scanner Driver. The Apple Scanner driver is contained in a file sometimes
- named 'Scanner' or else 'Scanner 3.0'. These files contain a 'DRVR' resource.
- These files are available from Apple at http://www.info.apple.com.
- Q: Does ScannerProbe work on ANY Macintosh?
- A: ScannerProbe requires (at least) System 7.1. If ScannerProbe determines
- that your version of the Mac/OS® is not capable of supporting the software
- features required by the program, it will quit with an Error Alert that tells
- you why it gave up the ghost. There is no hardware limitation to ScannerProbe
- except that it only runs on the best computers in the world.
- For info on LightSource's 'Ofoto®' application, there's a website whose address
- on the internet is http://www.ls.com
- The Apple Printers & Imaging website: http://product.info.apple.com/productinfo/datasheets/imindex.html
- On the 'Apple OneScanner 600/27' poge there's a link near the bottom which will
- take you to other related articles.
- Apple Scanners compatability matrix:
- Apple Tech Info Article #11139 provides a compatability matrix for scanners
- and software used with the Apple Scanners . The URL is: http://til.apple.com
- There you can do a search on 'OneScanner' or just access the article by itself.
- Q: Anything else I should know ?
- A: ScannerProbe now has menus, an About Box, modeless dialogs and the
- ability to turn its sound on/off. Pull down the 'Options' menu to set or reset
- the 'auto-timeout' feature or turn the sound on and off. When you quit the
- app, your preferences are remembered.
- Q: What about using ScannerProbe with other Scanners?
- A: After reviewing how it is that the other Scanner manufacturers provide
- support for their hardware, it appears that most all use the 'PACK' resource
- approach as opposed to installing a 'DRVR' driver resource as does Apple.
- The difference is that the 'PACK' strategy allows for the resources to be
- acquired at the time the application which needs them is actually executing.
- Without attempting to argue the relative merits of either approach, suffice
- to say that ScannerProbe is not needed in those cases where the Scanner
- resources are contained in 'PACK' resources. In the case of Apple, the
- applications expect that a 'driver' will be installed in the OS UnitTable which
- can then be located and accessed using the standard driver interface calls.
- What this all means is that ScannerProbe is not needed except to accomplish
- activities that only occur at 'boot' time - which is when 'DRVR' resources are
- loaded by the 'INIT' code resources of Mac OS Extensions.
- Q: Where can I get a copy of the Apple Scanner Drivers?
- A: 'Scanner 3.0' can be found at: http://swupdates.info.apple.com/usalpha.html
- Surprisingly, the 'Scanner' (Version 4.0) driver could not be found on the
- Apple internet site as of 10/5/97. Contact your local dealer or call Apple
- for more info. It was included with the 'Apple Color OneScanner 600/27'
- software intallers - which were also not to be found at the Apple website.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Make sure that you have the shortest possible length of SCSI cables.
- The SCSI spec says that about 15 feet (5M) is the MAXIMUM from one end of
- the SCSI chain to the other.
- Avoid SCSI Extender cables as they can add another chance for a bad
- connection. Make sure that all connections are tight and that those
- little wire ears are firmly seated on each side of every SCSI connector.
- Avoid 'thin' round SCSI cables. An 'official' SCSI cable has a physical
- specification which, with proper implementation, means that the cable
- is going to be about 1/2" thick. Cheap cables may provide the proper
- wires to the proper pins, but crosstalk between wires can occur and the
- reactive impedance and capacitance are not going to be correct.
- Make sure that you do not have two SCSI devices selected to be at the
- same SCSI address. Simple enough, but if in doubt, use a utility like
- SCSIProbe (by Robert Polic) to see what's out there on the bus. Make sure
- you have only one Scanner Driver Extension in the Extensions folder.
- Make sure that you only use the 'Black' SCSI terminator with the 'IIfx'.
- Odds are there are ever fewer of these around. All other Macs use the
- 'gray' SCSI terminator or have built-in terminating capability.
- Only certain early units of that Macintosh need the 'Black' terminator.
- The 'Black' device uses a 330/470 ohm resistive ladder which means the
- signals are not as noise immune. The 'Grey' SCSI terminator uses the
- SCSI spec resistive ladder of 220/330 ohms which is what the SCSI
- interface chip and all the devices expect to be able to drive.
- Make sure that you have one (and only one) set of terminating resistors
- at each end of the SCSI connection chain. The chain normally begins in
- the computer at the internal 'boot' drive, goes past the SCSI chip itself,
- out the back of the computer thru the 'DB-25' connector, on to the rest
- of the SCSI world, thru the rest of the SCSI devices which are hooked
- up, until, at the end of the chain, there resides the terminating resistors
- for that end of the chain. Any other configuration is asking for trouble.
- Some disk drives have resistor packs loaded onto the drive itself. Before you
- install any SCSI device, check to see that the terminating resistors are
- removed except on the very last drive at each end of the chain.
- Some folks say that if you have more than 10 feet of SCSI cabling, you
- may need to install a SCSI terminator in the middle of the chain.
- For more info on all of this, check out the Apple WWW sites like: This is
- not in coordination with the SCSI spec and is not likely to help matters.
- Check out: "http://www.info.apple.com/dev/dts.html/" for more info.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- If you are especially computer-literate and have access to MacsBug and
- Debugger Prefs, you can see if the Scanner Driver is currently loaded into
- your system by dropping into MacsBug and typing 'drvr'. This will produce a
- list of all the drivers that are currently installed in the system. Look at
- the column of numbers on the left of the Macsbug screen for a column
- marked 'dRef'. Examine the entries in the third column from the left at
- the 'dRef' positions marked 'ffdf' thru 'ffd9'. If you don't see '.Scanner' at
- one of those positions, the Scanner Driver has not been installed into that
- table and there's no way it's going to work for you until that is properly
- done and the Scanner Driver is opened and it successfully communicates
- with a Scanner at the correct SCSI ID.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- eof - ScannerProbe - READ ME - Version 1.6