The coordinate files in this folder are retrieved from the CIA World Mapping Program. Information about these files can be found on
the files should best be downloaded directly from the InfoMac-Archive
It is strongly recommended to download the cbd-files from the InfoMac Archive because their filenames are slightly modified for the use with GEOCAD. Simply go to
search the Archive for "GEOCAD". Put these coordinate files or aliases of them into the 'Coordinates' ('Koordinaten' in the german version) folder in your GEOCAD folder and restart GEOCAD. To view the geographic objects you need to download GEOCAD 1.2 ppc or higher. Information about GEOCAD can be received via email - send an empty email to
and add the subject "GEOMAIL MAC".
GEOCAD it a desktop mapping software for MacOS; it has been improved to allow powerful imports of third-party-GIS-Files (Geographic Information System) such as the famous cbd-vectorfiles from the CIS World Mapping Program (cbd stands for 'compressed binary data, that's all). They consist of more than 15,000,000 vector coordinates from objects all over the world.