Things to do is a porgramm that shall help you to manage your appointments. I think it is not as good as Organizer & Co. but therefore it's free!
What do I need for Things to do?
You need a 68030/68040 or PowerPC processor, 2 MB of RAM or 3 MB of RAM if Virtual Memory is turned off. Further you need System 7 or higher, color and the HyperCard Player (to find on the Apple FTP-Server).
Hey, I can get the code of Things to do?
This programm was created using HyperCard, so it is a HyperTalk code. If you send me 15 US Dollars I'll send you the whole stack with it's well documented code via e-mail. Sorry, but I can't send it via airmail or something similar, it would be to expensive . 15 $ are much? Well, but therefore you can use the code in your own programms and do not need to program yourself. I created Things to do with HyperCard 2.3, so if you have an older version of HyperCard (and I think older versions can't read stacks created with Version 2.3) I could send you just the code in a text document. I can accept the money only if it is cash. My address is listed below.
How to install Things to do
Simply drop it somewhere on your HD. If you get message that says "Can't open Things to do..." or something similar then you should (1) check if you've installed the HyperCard Player and (2) you should rebuild your desktop database.
How functions Things to do?
You will always see the picture below (picture 1) if you start Things to do. If you click on the left arrow icon you'll be taken to the previous month, if you click the right arrow you'll be taken to the next month. No left arrow icon? There is no left arrow icon at the "overview" window of January and no right arrow icon at the "overview" window of December.
Picture 1
Let's say you've got a date with your new friend on 22th January. Click on the rectangle which contains January. Now, you'll see the overview of January (picture 2).
Picture 2 ("overview" window of January)
Click on the 22th January. Here you can enter your dates (picture 3). If you click on the left arrow icon you'll be taken to the previous day, if you click the right arrow you'll be taken to the next day.
Picture 3
You can enter your dates in Appointment(s), crazy eh? You enter your further informations in, that's right, Further Informations. If you've entered a date you just need to click on Save Appointment(s). Now, select January from the Go Menu. The window should look like picture 2 with one exception. The 22th should be red. If you save an appointment the appropirate day will always get red. If you've already saved one, two,… appointments and enter a second (third,…) you do not need to save it again. To delete an appointment just click on Delete Appointment(s).
But be careful: ALL appointments you've entered at this day will be deleted. If you just want to delete a special appointment you'll have to do that manually, sorry! The further informations will be deleted completely too. If you've just deleted appointments and further informations and choose Undo from the Edit Menu only the text from the further informations will be restored!
Let's move on to better things. To look around for red marked days, what indicates that there is at least one appointment at this day, can be very slow. Select Search for appointment(s) from the Edit Menu. A search result is pictured below (picture 4). The button Further Details won't be in all dialog boxes, it will just appear if you've entered further details.
Picture 4
If you enter more than 225 characters in Appointment(s) and more than 255 characters in Further Details a dialog box will appear, which tells you that there are appointments (further details) at that day but that they could not be shown. This is a limitation of the MacOS.
If you go to another day and you've entered something into the appointments field but you did neither save nor delete it you'll be prompted by a dialog to (1) save or (2) delete or (3) leave it as it is.
To navigate to the next/previous day/month you can also use the arrow keys. The left arrow key will take you to the previous day/month. The right arrow key will take you to the next day/month.
An overview of the windows
Apple Menu
About HyperCard…: The About Box of HyperCard.
Compact Stack: Compacts Things to do, so that it gets a bit smaller. Sometimes it gets smaller, sometimes not,
but it needs always a few seconds. It is not compacted in the way how ZipIt & Co. do that you can
always use it.
Page Setup: Opens the page setup window of your printer.
Print: Prints the actual screen.
Quit HyperCard: Quits HyperCard (Player).
Undo: Undoes your last action.
Copy (Text): Copies the currently selected text to the clipboard.
Cut (Text): Deletes the currently selected text and copies it to the clipboard.
Paste (Text): Pastes the text from the clipboard after the text insertion point.
Clear (Text): Deletes the currently selected text.
Search for appointments: Searches for your appointments.
Preferences: Takes you to the preferences dialog.
Here you can choose the font, which you want to use in the appointments and the further details fields.
Here you can choose the text style, which you want to use in the appointments and the further details fields.
If you select The Beginning you'll be taken to the start up screen of Things to do (picture 1). If you select any of the months you'll be taken to the appropirate "overview" screen (picture 2).
About Things to do…: Shows you the about screen of Things to do.
Legal Stauff and other things
If you've any questions, suggestions, bugs or comments send them to me, please! Things to do isn't a shareware, freeware or public domain software. At the moment it's just there, but you can copy it and give it away as long as you don't modify it and include the ReadMe file. Have fun with it! My address is:
via Snai Mail: Daniel Schmidt
Am Zollstock 19
35392 Giessen
via E-Mail:
The Things To Do package is provided as is. No guarantee or warranty, express or implied, is made on the operation of this product, or its suitability for any task. In no event shall I be liable for any damages whatever (including, without limitation, damage for loss of profit, business interruption, loss of information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use, misuse of or inability to use this product.