In the following document, the 'author' is Richard Drysdall. The 'program' is ACE! (sometimes referred to as ACE) and all it's standard files.
ACE! is free, but it must not be sold.
ACE! cannot be included with a commercial product without my express written permission. Permission is hereby expressly granted for
• FTP site operators,
• online services,
• publishers of freeware/shareware compilations on CD-ROM or similar media,
• operators of both pay and free BBS systems
to distribute ACE! without any compensation to me, provided it is distributed unmodified and with all supporting files.
The author excludes any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to the program, its quality, performance or fitness for a particular purpose is made.
The author assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from errors or features contained in the program or the supporting documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Use this application at your own risk.
All trademarks used in the documentation are the property of their respective owners.