A few words concerning this, your newest iconic acquisition:
Thanks for downloading the Squeaky Clean icon set. You'll never guess where this idea for an icon set came to me! If you've figured it out, you'll also gain the realization that if you should meet me on the street someday, I'll have a cool confidence knowing that the back of my ears are ready for inspection!
And here, my friend, are the dreaded attached strings:
If you enjoy this set, I humbly request the oh so insignificant sum of $2. We here in the ikthusian household really let out a hearty "hoorah" when shareware funds arrive. However, I fully understand that there may exist an inability to pay said fee. If you can't afford, send an e-mail greeting instead.
Here you'll find a shameless plug:
Through the daylight hours I earn my keep as a graphic artist. I would consider it an honor to be considered for your next creative project. Phrase your needs and send that information to me today!
And here you'll find me:
Brian Brasher
528 Triple Creek Drive
Morris, AL 35116
Before you use these icons for anything other than personal desktop embellishment, I insist that you visit http://members.aol.com/ikthusian/stop.html. And, as always, eat well, sleep well, exercise, read, make art, and use a Mac. God bless you. Have a nice day.