Keyboard2Serial is a system extension that copies the keys typed on the keyboard to the serial port of your Macintosh. The user can control which serial port is used and the connection parameters of that port. Keyboard2Serial outputs the keystrokes that occur in ANY program even the Finder.
Why would I want to use Keyboard2Serial?
If you are reading this README file you must have a reason in mind for Keyboard2Serial already, but possible uses include:
Capturing the text you type in an AOL chat room for realtime projection
You can use this program to control custom serial devices without having to wait for a terminal emulation program to start up
Entering text into a PDA via the serial port
Monitoring of experiments
Monitoring of user’s actions (see privacy note in “Using Keyboard2Serial”
Simple chatting between two computers
How do I use Keyboard2Serial?
After Keyboard2Serial is installed, a control panel called “Keyboard2Serial Setup” will be available in your “Control Panels” folder. Open this control panel and you will see ON/OFF switch, the serial parameters, an area to register this program and a “Save Prefs” button.
To turn Keyboard2Serial on:
Select which port you want the text to be copied out of (Modem or Printer)
Select the speed for this serial port
Click the “On” button.
Keyboard2Serial will now copy all text typed IN ANY APPLICATION out the selected serial port.
If a problem occurs when trying to send text out the serial port you will hear beeping when you type. This is your cue that Keyboard2Serial was not able to initialize the serial port you selected. See the Troubleshooting section below for common problems and workarounds.
Once you discover the correct setting for your remote serial device, you can save these preferences. Click on the Save Prefs button and they will be saved in the preferences file.
To turn Keyboard2Serial off, click the off button in the control panel.
The control panel can be closed at any time.
Keyboard2Serial always starts in the OFF mode, the user must explicitly turn this program on. This is a privacy feature. If you require the program to start on system power on, email me and explain your needs.
How do I install Keyboard2Serial?
Drag the “Keyboard2Serial Setup” file onto your system folder. The system will then ask you:
“This Control Panel needs to be stored in the Control Panels folder in order to be available to the Computer. Put “Keyboard2Serial Setup” into the Control Panels folder?”
Click on OKAY. This will put the control panel into the correct place in your system folder.
When you restart your computer, Keyboard2Serial will be installed and ready to be used.
How do I remove Keyboard2Serial?
If you no longer wish to use Keyboard2Serial, there are two files that you will have to delete.
“Keyboard2Serial Setup” in the “Control Panels” folder in the System Folder
“Keyboard2Serial prefs” in the Preferences folder inside the System Folder
Will it work on my PowerBook?
Yes! Select the Modem Port in the “Keyboard2Serial Setup” control panel and make sure AppleTalk is turn off or is set to use the ethernet port.
Remember that if your copy of Keyboard2Serial is not registered the program will stop sending characters out the serial port 15 minutes after your machine starts up. This allows you to see if this program fits your needs before paying for it.
Keyboard2Serial doesn’t work for me
If you hear beeping see the section below about serial port conflicts.
If you don’t hear beeping and Keyboard2Serial doesn’t work, you most likely have a serial cabling or parameter problem. Make sure you have the correct serial parameters (port and baud rate) selected. If they are correct make sure that your cable works. Attempt to connect your machine to another computer using that cable and terminal emulation programs on both machines. If you can’t get that setup to work, you most likely have an incorrect cable.
If you can get that connection to work but Keyboard2Serial doesn’t work for you contact the author via email.
If you hear beeping while typing text this means Keyboard2Serial encountered an error while trying to send the text out the serial port. This problem can have several causes. The most common are:
Keyboard2Serial is set to use the same serial port that AppleTalk is using
Turn off AppleTalk, or using the AppleTalk control panel, set AppleTalk to use a different serial port or the ethernet connection.
Set Keyboard2Serial to use another serial port
Your PPP,SLIP or FAX software is trying to use the same serial port as Keyboard2Serial
Fix the serial port conflict and try again.
Your computer crashes when starting up
Some older versions of the “OpenTpt Serial Arbitrator” extension conflict with Keyboard2Serial. Startup with extension off. Then use the extensions manager to disable Serial Port Arbiter and restart.
Random weirdness
Delete preferences file and restart.
How do I register Keyboard2Serial
If you find Keyboard2Serial useful, you will want to register the program. Use the supplied Register program from Kagi to enter the required information and then send it in via Email, regular postal mail or FAX.
After you register you will receive an registration code which will be entered into the control panel. When this code is entered Keyboard2Serial will unlock and the 15 minute time limit will be disabled.
To enter your registration code follow these steps.
Open the Control Panel
Enter your name into the box labeled “Enter Name”
Make sure you enter your name exactly as your supplied it to Kagi.
Enter your Code into the box labeled “Enter Code”
If all goes correctly the boxes will disappear and will be replaced with text containing your name and registration code.
At this point click the Save Prefs button. The current state of the control panel will be written to the preferences file.
Remember that Keyboard2Serial copies the text out the serial port all the time, in any program, when it is turned on. This means you should be wary when typing in passwords and the like if you don’t have control of the serial output.
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