For those of you who wish to edit pages directly using your own code, ProView pages are written out to text files conforming to HTML standards.
You can open an HTML page created in ProView with any text editing program. You can even assign a text editing program to open your pages when double-clicked from the finder. (See “Choose HTML Browser.”)
ProView uses tables to properly position images, movies and text boxes. When adding your own code, be certain to keep the integrity of the table structure. If you are not familiar with how tables are created in HTML, it is best to put your code within a text box and let ProView place it on the page.
When updating a page that has been edited outside of ProView, you will be notified before the page is overwritten. If you choose to save over such pages, any external changes will be lost. Code within text boxes will be updated along with the rest of the page. For this reason it is a good idea to add your code within a text box in ProView.