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Text File | 1998-05-09 | 7.9 KB | 198 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- Twistory 1.0 PPC
- Table of Contents
- * Instructions
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Shareware Fee
- 3. Time-Line Windows
- 4. The "People" and "Events" Menus
- 5. Changing Views
- 6. Map Windows
- 7. Projection Controls & Keys
- 8. Time Controls
- 9. Genealogy Windows
- 10. The "This Day in History" Window
- 11. Info Windows
- * Resources
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction
- "Twistory" is a history browser. It displays the lifetimes and travels
- of historical figures, and dates and locations of historical events. It is a
- tool for keeping track of when and where things happened, and their
- relationships to each other. A resource of over 750 people, events and
- places is included. The database has an open text format, so that more
- historical information can be added by any user. A complete description of
- the file format is included.
- The two main windows are the time-line window, which shows the lives
- and events against a variable time scale, and the map window, which shows
- people and events in their geographic locations during an interval of time.
- There is also a genealogy window, which shows the ancestors and descendants
- of the selected person, and an info window, which shows additional details
- about the person or event. In addition, a "This Day in History" window lists
- all milestones occurring on a particular day of the year.
- The name "Twistory" was chosen because this program puts a new "twist
- on history." It is not intended - and cannot be used - as a substitute for
- proper reading and research into a historical period. It is meant to provide
- a way to keep track of the multitude of different peoples, dynasties,
- empires and developments throughout history. It is intended to answer
- questions like, "What else was happening in the world at that time?" and
- "Did A live at the same time as B, or before?" In the spirit of such
- publications as "The Timechart History of the World," (Third Millennium
- Press) it is intended to provide the user with "the big picture."
- Twistory requires system 7, and this first release is only for
- PowerPC. It uses about 2 Mb of disk space, and needs about 2 Mb of RAM to
- run comfortably. With a large monitor or with many windows open, 4 Mb is
- better.
- Shareware Fee
- Twistory is $10 (US or CAN) shareware. You may evaluate it for free. If
- you use it regularly, keep it for more than one month, or use it for
- presentation to a group, I would appreciate getting a little something for
- it. If you feel so obliged, you may send the payment to
- John de Boer
- 60-A Lundy's Lane
- Kingston, Ontario
- Canada, K7K 5G7
- If you desire support, please send your e-mail address along, and I will
- write back.
- The fee is for use of the application programme, not for the text
- resources. These resources are drawn from a wide variety of sources, both on
- the Internet and in print.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time-Line Windows
- The time-line window shows lifetimes and events against a horizontal
- time scale. The buttons at the lower left of the window control the time
- scale, and the horizontal scroll bar can be used to set the time anywhere
- within the allowed range (5000 B.C. to A.D. 2000).
- [Image]
- The cursor keys also control the time. The left and right arrows
- respectively back up or advance the time by one step. The up arrow zooms the
- time in to a smaller step. The down arrow zooms the time scale out.
- Use the "c" and shift-"c" keys to cycle the vertical ordering of
- events.
- By holding down the option key and then clicking within the window,
- you bring the date you click on to the centre of the view. If you keep the
- option key and mouse button down, and move the mouse, you can zoom the time
- scale in and out dynamically. The latter is an advanced manoeuvre, and is
- tricky at first. But with some practice it is easy to zoom in on any
- particular day in history in a matter of seconds.
- The "People" and "Events" Menus
- These menus are used to select which categories of people and events
- are shown. Their use is, I hope, fairly self explanatory. Their division
- into categories and sub-categories is based mainly on the numbers of items
- of each kind in the database I created. If you have suggestions as to how
- they should be divided and ordered, please send those comments along with
- your registration. Twistory is still growing and changing.
- Changing Views
- Clicking on the icon or time-line of any person or event selects that
- item, as shown by highlighting. Double-clicking (or command-clicking, i.e.
- holding down the command key as you click) on an item brings up the
- time-line window (or the map window if you are already in the time-line) and
- focuses the view on the selected item.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Map Windows
- You may open up two map windows. They will display any lifetimes or
- events which overlap with the shaded time interval in the time-line window.
- You may set their magnifications and locations independently. The sections
- following this one describe the buttons and keys which may be used to
- control the map views.
- [Image]
- The date interval is displayed in the upper-left corner, and the size
- of the current time step is displayed in the lower-left corner. View scale
- is shown in the upper-right (distance across the window from left to right).
- The bottom-right legend has the latitude and longitude of the centre of the
- view.
- Projection Controls & Keys
- [Image]
- The primary projection controls are the scroll bars. The vertical one
- is used to change or set the latitude, and the horizontal one is used for
- longitude. The horizontal scroll bar can turn the view through 360 degrees,
- and wraps around. There is no keyboard equivalent for these.
- The plus and minus (+ and –) buttons change the map's magnification.
- The plus and minus keys on the number pad do the same thing. Use the shift
- key with them to get larger zoom increments.
- Time Controls
- [Image]
- The size of the time step is changed here with the up- and
- down-triangle buttons. (They have the same effect as the plus and minus
- buttons in the time-line window.) Use them with the shift key to change the
- time step by larger increments. Time can also be animated. The
- right-triangle button starts the calendar running forward, the left-triangle
- one starts it in reverse, and the button with the square stops it.
- The cursor keys have the same time-control function in the map window
- as they do in the time-line window.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Genealogy Windows
- You may have two family tree windows open at any time. They show the
- family trees both up (ancestors) and down (descendants) for the selected
- individual. Once open, the window shows that person's genealogy even if the
- selection changes. The time axis is vertical, and the top edge of the boxes
- corresponds to the year of birth. Here is a sample window:
- [Image]
- The creation of a family tree is dependent on family relations being
- specified in the database. See the section on people.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The "This Day in History" Window
- Once this window is opened, any day of the year may be selected.
- Events which occur on that date (and for which there is no uncertainty in
- the date) will appear.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Info Windows
- When a person or event is selected, an "info" window may be opened by
- selecting "Get Info" from the File menu, or typing command-I. Up to four of
- these windows may be opened. They show a summary of date information, and
- any further information about the item which is not shown in the other
- views.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Last modified on 1998 May 9