+ YOOZ keeps track of all applications launched on your Macintosh, providing the date and duration of each session.
+ It provides many kinds of lists, like chronological history, total by program, usage graphics by day, month or year, resumed activity for a given period, and some information about the Macintosh.
+ It can access another Macintosh data via file sharing.
+ It helps you assess what your Macintosh is being used for.
+ It helps you organize your network by distributing the right sized Macintosh according to each user's principal needs.
+ YOOZ will reveal whether you spend more time on your favorite games than on your word processor.
+ YOOZ is available in English, French, Icelandic and Italian version
+ A Macintosh or compatible
+ System 7.5 or later is required.
+ English, Finnish, French, Icelandic and Italian versions are available
email : pcardon@kagi.com
What's new ?
1.61 Version (April 05, 1998)
+ New “Machine Info” window, with no more “OK” button
+ Entries with a null duration are no longer shown
+ Added an alert when no printer is selected in the chooser
+ In case of date errors, the error message displays only once, and this message specify the total number of errors.
+ Yooz extension is now 2.65
Bugs corrections:
+ Corrected the Info Window which had an invisible “grow icon”
+ Removed a machine freeze at startup due to Yooz extension
+ Yooz was corrupting the “Yooz prefs” file if it was launched before restarting the Macintosh at installation.
+ Yooz sent sometine wrongly the message “The Register program is terminated”
+ Printing “Machine Info” Window now prints the “Joblog” pathname
+ In “Stats” window typing “Enter” was displaying the print dialog
+ In “Graph” window typing “Enter” was selecting the graph picture
+ Corrected bad balloon help in “Windows menu”
+ Comestic bugs :
* Corrected the “Imprimer en couleur” text in french setup window
* default buttons are correctly drawn under MacOS 8
* OK button in Setup Window is no more troncated under MacOS 7.x
* the setup window doesn’t change its size when clicking on tabs
* about window look improvement
* if undefined, the machine name, user name and printer names where sometime displayed as garbage
in “Machine Info” window
* The period buttons in “Stats” window were not redrawn correctly
+ Removed some errors in the user’s manual
Yooz is a 25 $US or 150FF shareware
Why should you register?
+ to get free support and bug fixes.
+ to receive the next versions for free
+ because your suggestions may have a chance to be included in future versions.
+ to obtain your private code and avoid the about window to be displayed each time you launch Yooz
+ to receive the ”Yooz utilities” program.
You may distribute YOOZ as long as:
+ All files, including the shareware notice, are included.
+ No charge is made without my WRITTEN consent.
+ Distribution is allowed on internet servers, BBS, CD ROMs and computer magazines in the
To receive your registration code there are 2 solutions:
1/ Run the enclosed REGISTER program and pay via Kagi Shareware
2/ Send me directly 25$US, or 150FF (in check or cash), or the equivalent amount of money in any other currency (only in cash, enclosed in a sheet of plain paper),
English is not my native language. Please help me to make it better by sending me your comments
Installing YooZ
1/ Yooz files
- Remove any previous “spyßg” extension before running the new version, or you’ll get double entries in the Joblog file
- YooZ : This is the main part of the package. You can put this program where you want on your disk.
- Yooz Extension : This system extension will record the names of the programs launched on your machine. It will also record the date, the time and the duration of each session.
- Yooz Prefs is the preference file for Yooz and Yooz Extension. This file is used to remember the user setup. This file is in the 'Preferences' folder.
- JobLog : This is the history file created by SPYßg extension. This is the main file used by Yooz. This file may be present in the 'Preferences' folder.
2/ Installing YooZ
- To start using YOOZ, first copy "Yooz Extension" into the extensions folder
- RESTART your Macintosh.
3/ Running YooZ
+ The first time, Yooz may ask for the Joblog file. It should be present in the "Preferences" folder. If no Joblog file can be found, the Spyßg extension is probably not installed.
Yooz menus
1/ Windows common functions
- In this section are discribed the common functions used thru the whole program.
Print Button : clicking this button prints the selected window. The print menu, or typing P has the same effect.
Graph Button : clicking this button displays the graph related to the selected line and the corresponding period.
Previous period Button : clicking this button displays the previous period of same kind (day, month year or entire file). Typing ‘-’ key has the same effect.
Next period Button : clicking this button displays the next period of same kind (day, month year or entire file). Typing ‘+’ key has the same effect.
Period Button : clicking this button displays the “Period choice“ window shown below.
Period choice : this window allows you to choose the display period. It’s available from History, Program list, Stats and Graph windows.
- You can choose the whole file, a one year, a one month or a one day period.
- Depending on the period kind, some days, months or years should not be selectable if no corresponding data are registred in the "Joblog" file.
- To cancel your choice click "Cancel".
- To get the chosen period click "OK" or depress "Enter" key.
2/ About Yooz menu
- The About Yooz menu, shows information about the author, and on YOOZ Shareware status.
- To register click "Register" button
- Registering YOOZ SHAREWARE is the best way to expect new features in this program.
- When you receive your private key code, click “Register”, the click "Enter your code" button