ocr: Nature: always has: al hand in writing thes standards of our existence, because nature i5 the standard of all life Having long embraced 14000: series Theseo comprehensive guidelines bring: a global focust 1o envirorimental management issues and: allow organizations W compare their Ipu/veN.ec.ce. wepavpatictawiahn.he NECS tinch Ours mm ENVIBUNMENTAL wsuidd alem PUNCIPUES: ours narl NEC rmants mthr - : peat susle -ing mmmnt alp peoples anta d - dan Imatier ritt pat tur pumu hmuph tarf fullp ahulp patmml tathummums vhr naun ndplusent thatn emmnaath Fn tatn aunnatitt pia outat NEC Corporution 0-co ...