ocr: HOWTO BECOME AN OVERNICHT 110L SUCCESS, 7 ONLY FIVE SHORT YEARS. Chrysier janwary itroduces 10, nett 1992: Jep. Gnand Cheralee. Poreshasfouing the mpadt Grand Churkee ttrill hate on car buyres, Chrysler Prnndent Bob Lutz MNTVIT it by drrcing up the anps and thrugh a plate elass umdoto otte the North. Ameruun International. duna Shous in Detroit. Ocmber 30, 1996: Ocrober H 1996. April 23, 1996: Fur the second CCTLITN wuar, tiue that Carsler ther 1996 oponution mnde: sar rpirti Srrategic Visson reteatser ih Carand Driger "Teu Best Lisr" mus the met successtul Tital Quality Amard" tuinner mceder ...