ocr: the hour-and-a-half walk back to our vehi- cles," says Zeleke. 34 DATA a . 2 à H Beyene picks up a ten-pound, eight-inch- 33 7 4 long hand ax from the oldest of the tool- bearing locales, KGA 4, which is dated between 1.5 and 1.7 million years ago. "You don't see much refinement here," he says, Homoen "They've only knapped away: a few flakes to wushane make the edge displays sharp." beautifully knapped chopping He then a hand: ax from KGA8, made tens of thousands - of the years cutting later. edge "See has how become." refined and straight 21 25 DE 26 CAN #e2- - 5M* 1# AR Hammer "It was an art ...