nsfw:racy: Possible ocr: Going the length Becuuse WEEK5 heavy bike traffic can damage land. of the Alaska Range the like all Denali U.S. Wildernesst wildernest DENALT armas-protitits any Kantishna, DENALI WOBHESST The trio mechanized hiked 60 travel. miles NOUNDAT Muddy WILDERNESS to the western border, whern their biken had been nirliftod. MATIONAL PARK WEEK6 : Tired miles, and the sore riders aftar rafted 700 ME A Firatig ME ema a Mckinleyr the Stony River. At a hunting lodge they. caught up with back- AND PRESERVE packers who had lett on a similar route six weels bulore the bikersstarted > WEEK7 The bikers sped to ...