ocr: Within this immensity humankind seenis almost an afterthought. Range riders pass before Steens Mountain (below and following pages), a7 70-mile-long massif that crests at 9,733 feet. Steens cap- tures castward-drifting snow and rain, watering valley ranches on its western flanks while keeping the Alvord Desert parched. Fortland OREGION Drewsy, at Flat Nyman DANEE Nenn unture tand has Bum Hiversider ST Hot De Onesanal Riey d à a :e State part kar area recreation NaM Frincetan lutte MATE ma Beadnen y MALHEUR JSordan LAKE dedypau EE COUNIY Valley COUNTY HARNEYCOUNTE rat àn Junction Burmr m unai M ...