ocr: AUTHORS WANTED lisher e sexeching foxe mamuscripts Fiction, AT COWBOY HIGH SHOT NOON. : tion working nunuscripe noe-fiction, specialiaed and ucilknoan a on Irce: it, and maly poctry New amil -page for een Jork would juvenike. bookket, pablication like contronmial subnidy tranu, mone pleae (or book are intitic. informa- subyjects wnte pub stll will he condered. I youl hue a bick-lengsh VANTAGE PRESS, Dept. NA ww.natonascogapnic.com 516 w Hith St, New York, NY 10001 TheresNo Wrong Way William Albert Allard's Photo ToEat Gallery, High Noon. See the vorid through the oes ot averd-wirning interacti ...