ocr: INTRODUCING THE ALL-NEW CENTURY BY BUICK Tauras aml Accard drivers. sour might want to ake: note: tuo. Becmse: thuis Century a vaatly differrnt frmm the last = redesignea from topl to battam, bumper to buiper Bulck Cuatom Century Camry L THnsGL V AccordLX VO anil nen folace in beueen. SA Ance - l TLS iO 1 NTI si0on No cn eu 100.000 PHE Fane miles" without at te-up. Clinuta Contral Hel NIA NA NA And it's filled with s01 many Airl winss Atration Em oet WA - Opt NA lusurious touches like remote E 2 IOES SEURS keyless entry dual zone climate contral and an air filtration system thut removes: most ...