ocr: In. 1996, LG invested over USS9 billion to grow ite business. Dr.c..1 TU, Monument Valley, U.5.A, We put people first. Chan-Su lu has croated something unbelievable Imagine - device that combines the hictione of A cummpater. - fax machiney : modem, a web hmoeser, an electronie panian and muie d small it rats comfutahly in the jwim yoe luanil What Chan-Sul lies mtcul about LG Electronia' new Handbeld PCI L the freedout i cires vou to wurke how and where you Iilee. Froedom from the expenre and incmvenienor of the long line ol inachina il replaces. EGsother many hehnadhgsaly-phidtizated producta ...