ocr: In 1996, LG invested over USS9 bitlion to grow its business. Dr. c.. Yu, Nonument Valley, U.S.A. We put people first. Chan-Su Ya bar erated xmething unbelievable. Imagine a devicer that comhines the tunctiona af u compuler a las machuner E modem, # wud hruwmer, a nectronic orpaniter and mone-so emall L nete comtortably in thur palm of your hard. What Chan-Su lilas muet about LG Electronice new Handheld PC i the froedoms it sivee you to work how and where yem hle: Freodem fnm the epense and inconvenience al the lang line af machin IE replaces. LGrother many hechmlhgeialesephitisated producta in ...