ocr: Everi the Odds. AUTHORS WANTED A well-linown New Sork sulesldy hoxik pub- lisher is Hanching for manuscripts Ficticin. nontiction, poutry juvenile. truvel scientific, specalaed ani eyven ountroversal subiccs will be connideneal u wu luve. a book-length TENUATTDL ready for pahlication oor un atill working on 1. and would lke mone inforu- thom and: a Ine: 12pagr hooklet, pleise: write VANTAGE PRESS, Dept. NA Theirs and Yours. 516W Sith St New York, NY 10001 Join AmeriCorps. the domestic Peace. Corps. ay tutaring kich, restoring stream and parks, building playgroundt, helping communities hit by d ...