ocr: AT THE CHRYSLER CORPORATION, - EVEN OUR HISTORY LOOKS FORWARD. 5. 1924: January WE Chrysler introduces the first atomobile toitit his name on it.. Adtanced, for its timte, # effert a 68 hnorseporoer engine, four-taneel hydraulie brakes, and cool naund haudights. Septenber 14, 1997: A jum-dropping, May 7, 1997:. formation of drite Intrepid, the Automonte all-rme Local rournalists 1998 armadillo Chryiler guther population m Conconde Austin, mes and on Texas, alert. ta Doigr the purple the Procilar) Sunset Plymouth aticial Strip Prolers tu murk introduction. cruses The autemonte gris ure amiting. ...