1. Do not move the square. It should be in the top, left corner of the document.
2. Draw a picture inside the square.
3. Save the document.
4. Launch GameMaker and open the desired GameMaker document.
5. Select "Get Picture" from the "File" menu.
6. From the dialog window, select the MacPaint document containing the picture.
PICT Template
1. This is a SuperPaint PICT document preset to the correct size for GameMaker. Some applications may interpret the PICT as a single object rather than the page size. If you are using ClarisWorks, try the ClarisWorks Templates.
2. Draw a picture.
3. Save the document as "PICT".
4. Launch GameMaker and open the desired GameMaker document.
5. Select "Get Picture" from the "File" menu.
6. From the dialog window, select the PICT document containing the picture.
Multiscene PICT Template
1. Allows you to create several scenes in a single document.
2. Draw a picture in one of the scene squares.
3. Using the selection tool in your paint program, select the entire area just inside of the square.
4. Copy the selection to the clipboard.
5. Launch GameMaker and open the desired GameMaker document.
6. Click on the picture area in GameMaker to make sure it is selected.
7. Select "Paste" from the "Edit" menu to paste the picture from the clipboard.
ClarisWorks Template
(works with ClarisWorks v2.0 - v4.0)
1. This document is preset to the correct size for a GameMaker picture.
2. Draw a picture.
3. Save the document as "PICT" (Don't save it as ClarisWorks).
4. Launch GameMaker and open the desired GameMaker document.
5. Select "Get Picture" from the "File" menu.
6. From the dialog window, select the PICT document containing the picture.
Multiscene ClarisWorks Template
(works with ClarisWorks v2.0 - v4.0)
1. This allows you to create several scenes in a single document.
2. Draw a picture in one of the scene squares.
3. Using the selection tool in ClarisWorks, select the entire area just inside of the square.
4. Copy the selection to the clipboard.
5. Launch GameMaker and open the desired GameMaker document.
6. Click on the picture area in GameMaker to make sure it is selected.
7. Select "Paste" from the "Edit" menu to paste the picture from the clipboard.
Other Formats
Import EPS documents by selecting "Get Picture" from the "File" menu. NOTE: When importing EPS documents, GameMaker uses the EPS preview picture.
Import StartupScreen documents by selecting "Get Picture" from the "File" menu. GameMaker can only import StartupScreens that are in Mac II format (current format). It will not import StartupScreens that were created on a Mac with an MC68000 processor (Mac Plus, SE, or Classic).
SuperPaint 3.0/3.5
Import SuperPaint documents by selecting "Get Picture" from the "File" menu. Please note that any textures or gradients may display as black when imported. If your SuperPaint document has custom textures or gradients you should try saving the document as PICT and then import the PICT document.
You can copy any picture to the clipboard and paste it into a GameMaker document. If the graphics you wish to use are in JPEG, GIF, or other formats not listed above, you will need to use a program that can read those types of graphics files. You should then either convert the file to one that GameMaker recognizes or simply copy the picture to the clipboard and paste it into your project.